Readers Daily Review: Radicals, Religion, and Revelation

Radicals, Religion, and Revelation
by Clifford Allen Potts, Ph.D.

Not long after the attacks of 9/11/2001, religion became a discussion topic at everyone's table. Clifford Potts, an intrigued observer of this religious resurgence began to question:
What do we believe?
To whom do we pray?
What beliefs are others practicing?

With some encouragement from a friend, Dr. Potts began cataloging his observations and personal ideals. Radicals, Religion, and Revelation is a collection of essays written to illuminate significant issues. Drawing upon his diverse life experiences to fuel his pen, Dr. Potts leads his readers on a voyage of religious exploration. Radicals, Religion, and Revelation challenges the reader to scrutinize core concepts and values, to investigate religious foundations, and to consider alternate points of view. I find this work refreshing. Someone out there is asking the questions and telling the tales of things we debate while watching television, whisper about in close circles, and torment ourselves with late at night as we toss and turn in bed. Radicals, Religion, and Revelation is a smorgasbord of brain food worthy of consumption.

Matthew Doherty
Readers Daily Review

Radicals, Religion, and Revelation Examines Issues of Faith and Politics

For immediate release

WordTechs Press
Vickie Hester, Ph.D.
Managing Editor

January 18, 2008

Radicals, Religion, and Revelation Examines Issues of Faith and Politics

The United States of America is a nation in peril. We are divided within and harangued without. We are individuals. We are diverse. Yet in many arenas, our individuality leaves us polarized and divided. Potentially our nation's greatest strength is the foundation on which this country was built - freedom of religion. Despite our religious diversity, there are common threads that bind us and provide the backdrop for unity.

Nothing has shaped America more than religion. From our Puritan roots to today's diversity of faiths, religion still guides and shapes our politics. In Radicals, Religion, and Revelation, author Clifford Allen Potts, Ph.D. examines issues of faith and politics and analyzes alternative views of religion and spirituality. It explores the cultural commonality of citizens of the United States and builds bridges between unlikely traditions to show that there is a viable platform for America as a nation of diversity.

To place orders for the book:
WordTechs Press

To arrange a book signing or interview, contact Clifford Allen Potts, Ph.D. at:

Readers Daily Review: Well Past Midnight

Well Past Midnight
by Clifford Allen Potts, Ph.D.

Well Past Midnight, a collection of poetry written by Clifford Allen Potts, Ph.D., contains some delightfully reflective rhymes on current events, government, work, and religion. Potts’ vast background guides your imagination along a different path. Born into a practicing Catholic family, Potts later converted to Protestant faith, and as an adult, has explored holistic spirituality. His career path has ranged from upper business management in Internet technology to blue-collar, service industry jobs. This diversity of experiences affords Dr. Potts the ability to see life from many perspectives.

For me, Well Past Midnight spurred discussions, contemplation, and laughter. It thoughtfully explores fact, fiction, and belief and is a guidebook for those unafraid to swim upstream.

Matthew Doherty
Readers Daily Review

Well Past Midnight Chronicles Journey toward Enlightenment

For immediate release

WordTechs Press
Vickie Hester, Ph.D.

January 18, 2008

Well Past Midnight Chronicles Journey toward Enlightenment

In flowing prose, Well Past Midnight chronicles one man's journey to spiritual enlightenment through trials of religious stigmatism and the fiscal demands of a modern world. Caught in tumultuous American times, dictated by a dogmatic and neoconservative government, a trapped man casts aside traditions and explores the mysticism and magic of his Celtic heritage. His road to wisdom illuminates the reality represented by the mysteries of old and the role of discernment as a powerful instrument for responding to life in a modern era.

In Well Past Midnight, author Clifford Allen Potts, Ph.D. expresses the challenges and triumphs that beset the common man and offers insight into alternative possibilities for the future.

To place orders for the book:
WordTechs Press

To arrange a book signing or interview, contact Clifford Allen Potts, Ph.D. at:

Clifford Allen Potts

Clifford Allen Potts was born in San Rafael, California in 1957. He was raised in the Catholic faith. As a teen, he explored the Protestant faith and led home Bible-study groups. In his early twenties, he was baptized into the Baptist Church where he ran an evangelical outreach program. Shortly after that, he went to work for Jews for Jesus in San Francisco, California and was ordained as a Baptist Minister. In 1984, disillusioned by the corporate mentality of the religious organizations, he withdrew from the active Christian lifestyle.

In 1990, he graduated third in his class from DeVry Institute of Technology with a degree in Telecommunications Management. He worked in the IT industry during the boom years of 1994 to 2000. During this time, as his family began to grow, he again became active in the Christian Community.

Through a series of trying events, he was forced to explore his own spirituality, and what it means to be a spiritual being in the current era. In 2003, at the request of a friend, he began writing a series of essays detailing what he knew to be true, what he had seen in the nation, and what is coming due to the current theological expression of the culture of neo-conservatism. Radicals, Religion, and Revelation is a collection of those essays, written from autumn of 2003 to late winter 2006.

The Goal

Over the months to come, I plan on filling this site with fact and opinions to keep you informed. As this is just the beginning of the blog, I think I should spend one entry telling you a little about myself.

My name is Clifford Allen Potts. I am a father, a husband and a writer. This past year WordTechs Press has released four of my works. They are

  • Well Past Midnight
  • Radicals, Religion, and Revelation
  • Conspirators, Confederates, and Cronies
  • Wealth, Women, and War
I will discuss those in some detail at a later time in this blog. WordTechs Press is a fully licenced business entity publishing e-books in the Dallas business community. They are always looking for new, fresh, inspired material.

In the 1990s I was in the information technology field. In 2000 Corporate America decided to ship our jobs to India. Over the past seven years I have worked as a security officer Fort Worth, Texas. I have a Bachelor of Science in Telecommunications Management, and a diploma in radio broadcasting. I also have an honorary Ph.D. in Metaphysics (that and a buck and a half will buy you a cup of coffee – so long as it is not at Starbucks). It is a religious degree from ULC. I am also an ordained minister. I was ordained as a Baptist Minister in 1983 in San Francisco, California.

A long time ago someone told me to tell y’all that, “I wasn’t born in Texas, but I got here as fast as I could.” To some degree that is true. In 1998 I moved to Texas from Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin. Pleasant Prairie is just north of the Illinois-Wisconsin border, and just south of Kenosha (yes, there really is a Kenosha, Wisconsin – but I was not there in the 70s.) I was hired to work for a rather difficult client that the local firm’s own staff did not want to deal with. To work for them was the kiss of death. Through a series of unfortunate circumstances I got stuck in Texas like a fish out of water.

Over the past seven years I have, for the most part, learned to fit in. In general the Great Lakes culture is moderate to far left. Even the conservatives in and around the Lake Michigan area are far more moderate then what you find in Texas. Texas, for the most part is extremely individualistic (which is what you find in predominately agricultural cultures – and of course they forget how much they depend on Federal Aid), with a general tendency to lean to the right. Some of them are pretty far right. Bush and company are an example of that.

I was born in California. My family moved to Chicago in 1968 after having lived in Cerro-de-Pasco, Peru (15,000 feet up in the Andes). I grew up in Chicago. I have also lived in L.A. and San Francisco, California. In from July 1982 to October 1983, I worked for Jews for Jesus at their headquarters in the city by the bay. It is a pretty city. I have worked with many different people. My ex-clients include EDS, Xerox, Southland Corporation (better known as 7-11), Aon Corporation, the EPA, ComEd, Baxter Labs, Abbot Labs, and Johnson Controls. That is just a few of the client firms.

As Teddy Roosevelt said:

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.

His words are good words. They are noble words which we have forgotten today. They are words that need to be remembered, and applied.

A Chance for Peace

There is a Chance for Peace Many years ago I took a class in the nature of war. I got it from a Liberal Christian Publication ca...