So Long... and Thanks for the Video.

Well... best I go find something else to do.

Many of the non union, working class (or almost middle class) people of Chicagoland looked to Occupy Chicago as a voice for our collective grievances against wide spread abuses of Crony Capitalism. 

Our collective concerns were not about gender. They were not about race. They were about how the "game" has been rigged in favor of the few at the expense of the many. Since September 23, 2011 that has changed. Occupy Chicago, and the support for the 99% (the rest of us who are struggling) is dead. What is there now, is a shell of what has been.

On October 15, 2011 Occupy, including the Twitter Pilots, brought 3,000 people to the street. Over time, however, the spirit of Occupy which generated  Occupy Sandy, and Occupy Wall Street's "The Rolling Jubilee" never manifested here in Chicago. The spirit of an inclusive, caring, human and humane community never rose to prominence here in Chicago. If you had means and could gain access you were welcome to Occupy Chicago's general Assembly. For some that represented a minimum investment of $10.00 per visit to the GA. If you did not have the resources, you were left out of the process. Occupy Chicago reflected the distrustful condescension which marks the corrupt politics of the city as a whole. From July 2012, after the National Gathering, Occupy became divisive on gender and race issues as professional activist took over, and pushed out the majority of the supporters who were still active and engaged. 


On October 15, 2012, even after the court ruled that the previous arrest were unconstitutional, the shadow elitist of what was Occupy Chicago, managed to mobilize 70 people for the commemorative march (see video). Yes, I say Occupy Chicago is dead.


Well then... thank you very much to the professional, activist, and agitators for killing yet another real grassroots movement.

So Long... and thanks for the video.  

Much appreciated.

"Capitalism Gives Us Creeps" Halloween March

Starting in Wicker Park just south of Milwaukee Avenue in Chicago, the Semi-Annual "Capitalism Gives Us the Creeps" march wounds its way through Chicago until it ended up at the Federal Prison. I marched along with the Anarchist and Socialist from the starting point until we crossed State and Jackson in the South Loop.

Along the way we picked up a Police escort which threatened to arrest us, and hounded us all the way.

I should point out that the Chicago Police probably have much better things to do than harass some 40 people marching in the street. However, based on what I have leaned since September 23, 2011, the Chicago Police and Chicago's Mayor fear unarmed, peaceful demonstrators more than they fear armed criminals. One has to wonder why that is.

Oh Boy, Palastine

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