Occupy Chicago's Cermak Office Closes

The Cermak Office (500 W. Cermak, Room 501) of Occupy Chicago is being closed. With that a point of contention, and the first phase of Occupy Chicago folds gracefully into the history books. 

Cermak, as it is known to all familiar with Ochi (Pronounced Oh-Shy for Occupy Chicago and is derived from Chi-Town which is local slang for Chicago) was rented via a very generous, ongoing donation from a wealthy benefactor.

The Cermak offices first opened in late 2011 as fortification against Chicago’s harsh winters. It became a bone of contention. It was hard for many to reach. It was far from LaSalle and Jackson where Occupy first took a stand. It required a security code to gain access. It required that a person wishing access to Occupy Chicago had a cell phone to call a posted number to get access to the building. Often the number was not posted. Equally, as many occupiers were working poor not everyone had a working phone. Not everyone had funds to access public transportation to get to Occupy Chicago. Unlike Occupy Wall Street, Occupy Chicago never openly gave out transit passes to members in need. Over time it became known as the Club House

It stayed in operation for Occupy Chicago's People's Library, Occupied Chicago Tribune, the Freedom School, Occupy Chicago Jail Solidarity, a workshop for Occupy Chicago Direct Action, and other operations. It was the location of Occupy Chicago’s Wednesday and Saturday General Assemblies towards the end. 

As of 9:00 PM CST, Saturday, January 26, 2013, there is no information forthcoming as to where the new offices will be located. The early reports are that Occupy Chicago will go back to the streets. Contact @OccupyChicago on Twitter for more information.  

From Tom Rainey, of Occupy Chicago Propaganda: [The] new location for Occupy Chicago General Assemblies is 3442 W 26th St, Chicago, IL 60623 starting Saturday February 2 at Father Landaverde's Church in Little Village. Father Landaverde is badass! He was with the FMLM Salvadoran Rebels before it was cool!

Karma, You are a Pain!

Karma is biting me in the ass. I see, read, and suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous, and out raged, young activist (most of privileged backgrounds) many of whom are unwed, have no real family responsibility, and who can always fall back on mommy (and daddy). They tell me that I am irreverent because I am an elder male and white. Their ageism, racism, and sexism is utterly acceptable.

When I was in my mid-20, taking on the establishment of Jews for Jesus from within, I use to be almost just as caustic. Karma, you are a pain!

I hope these bitter, mean spirited, selfish, shelf-righteous children can make a better world. I really do. However, you know what they say about hope.

I have serious doubts. My age, and adventures, and experience, tell me far too much about where these children are heading. As long as they attack, isolate, and dismiss those who have supported them, then their fate falls to Cassandra's warning.

Yes, dear Karma, I've learned your lesson.

I still see my own caustic attitudes towards the establishment reflected in the eyes of those who want to bring me low 'casue I am an easy target, and they cannot reach the real enemy. Hence my acceptance of this as a Karmic lesson. 

Truth is, I was never as caustic as they are, and not as disrespectful. I knew that other, older, more experienced, had something worth listening to. I've not see that in the Street Protesting Children. It is again, as I wrote in 2007, we don't know who to help and who to let go anymore. And we are destroying the ones who should be save.

I ask myself now, what does a 20ish American Princess, or a wanna-be street tough, from the privileged, affluent northern suburbs of Chicago have to tell me? 

The answer is: jack shit. Nothing. Yet when I say as much, I am defending that statement from people who want to raise such children up as examples to follow. No, thank you. They have nothing. They have not lived long enough.  

As they have done to others, it shall be done to them. They will be old, and they will be weak someday. Even those who are protected by their privilege will eventually be eviscerated by life. Head the warning, children.    

Oh Boy, Palastine

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