Readers Daily Review: Well Past Midnight

Well Past Midnight
by Clifford Allen Potts, Ph.D.

Well Past Midnight, a collection of poetry written by Clifford Allen Potts, Ph.D., contains some delightfully reflective rhymes on current events, government, work, and religion. Potts’ vast background guides your imagination along a different path. Born into a practicing Catholic family, Potts later converted to Protestant faith, and as an adult, has explored holistic spirituality. His career path has ranged from upper business management in Internet technology to blue-collar, service industry jobs. This diversity of experiences affords Dr. Potts the ability to see life from many perspectives.

For me, Well Past Midnight spurred discussions, contemplation, and laughter. It thoughtfully explores fact, fiction, and belief and is a guidebook for those unafraid to swim upstream.

Matthew Doherty
Readers Daily Review
