
Police Block Off Most Reasonable Exit Route - May 20, 2012
"... the press... did not mention is that [Occupy Chicago] had been infiltrated and coached by two undercover police officers named "Gloves" and "Mo"."  

Silver, C. (2013, February 18). NDAA: Pre-emptive prosecution coming to a town near you. In Aljazeera. Retrieved March 2, 2013
Follow her on Twitter:  @CharEsilver 


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It is no longer a conspiracy theory that the Occupy Movement was infiltrated by Law Enforcement from the early days. Even main stream media picked up on the shenanigans of the police, and federal agencies. Those federal law enforcement agencies are under direct control of the President of the United States.

It is appalling that this administration should condone and sanction persecution of  political allies. Many of the people who step out in protest of corporate stranglehold on the USA were strong supporters of this administration in 2007 and 2008. 

Even now there is a high probability that many activist may be infiltrators, or informants.

Additional Sources

The bottom line is: don't let anyone sucker you into an argument, or discussion, that is going to give them the ability to prosecute you. Freedom of speech is virtually dead in the United States of America. Your words will be used against you. You can do jail time for "talking smack." There are plenty of actors out there who want to do nothing more than put you in jail so it looks like they are doing their job. 
Update: (July 21, 2014) As revealed in testimony at the NATO 3 trial earlier this year, the Chicago Police Department had no less than 15 undercover police officers infiltrate Occupy Chicago.

"According to the testimony of Nyugen and Chikko, they were both recruited to participate in an investigation monitoring different groups organizing against the NATO Summit and economic austerity in the city. The secret police spies of 15 permanently assigned field officers was designated Field Intelligence team 7150 that, according to defense pre-trial motion filings, 'infiltrated […] organizations under false pretenses in order to gain deeper access to these organizations and individuals. Other members of the FIT 7150 Team regularly conducted undercover surveillance at meetings, demonstrations, and common activist hangouts.'"

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There is a Chance for Peace Many years ago I took a class in the nature of war. I got it from a Liberal Christian Publication ca...