Trayvon Martin

I’ve been reluctant to say anything about the murder of Trayvon Martin. Part of the reluctance stems from the criticism of Elon JamesWhite, or other African American spokesmen. On one hand they want us (white, male, progressive minority) to stand solidly with the brothers in the cause of “liberty and justice for all.” On the other hand, when we do, in our own way, we are “‘co-opted’ the march. ‘With chants of ‘We are the 99 percent’ and signage to that effect.” But more than that questionable line from someone of some credibility within the Black Community, I am really distrusting of the mob mentality, and media trial George Zimmerman

We have a judicial system in the United States. It may be clumsy, imperfect, deferring to wealth and privilege, but it does work… sort of. If there is any hope for justice (which will never bring Trayvon back to his parents) it remains in the courts and not the media, or even the streets. Officer LaurencePowell and Sergeant Stacey Koon guilty, who beat Rodney King (or stood by and allowing the action as was the case for Sargent Koon) were eventually convicted. Kenny Lay and Jeffery Skilling were eventually convicted of the fraud committed by Enron. Edgar Ray Killen was eventually convicted of manslaughter in 2005 for racially motivated murders committed in 1964.

I was nowhere near Florida on February 25, 2012. Most of you were not either. We did not witness what happened. Hell, if we had been there, maybe nothing would have happened. I can say Zimmerman, who did confess to the shooting using the “Stand your ground” laws as a justification, is not a bright man. Neighborhood watches or not, Sand Your Ground or not, when a situation can get menacing, it is best to call it in, and watch. I suspect, eventually, Zimmerman will learn that the hard way. Unfortunately, however, no matter what happens, Trayvon will still be in the arms of the eternal; dead far too young for no reason whatsoever. 

American Spring Begins

Last night the New York Police Department sunk to a new low. Since September 17, 2011 the NYPD has been anything but cordial to the Occupy Wall Street protestors and visitors. On numerous occasions there have been mass arrests of unarmed, peaceful, celebrator citizens for minor violations of city ordinances. These infractions usually warrant a citation, and a court date to be attended in the future. They do not warrant violent restraint, and prolonged incarceration. They do not warrant heavy handed personal reprisals of unarmed civilians. Yet, yesterday, the commanders on the street decided to take matters into their own hands and allow ruthless beatings of defenseless citizens in a public park in New York City.

One protestor had his head pushed so hard that it broke a window. Another tweeted that he was bleeding from the ears, had a broken thumb, and a boot print on his face. A woman was struck so hard in the ribs that she went into convulsions and the NYPD deliberately delayed treatment for 10 minutes. It was an incredible scene of unprovoked police viciousness.  

Police Brutality Reports from #M17 at Zuccotti Park  

Updated: Occupy Wall Street Activist Cecily McMillan Allegedly Beaten By N.Y.P.D. (Video) 

 At this time the protestors are still gathering the various videos documenting the police brutality.

It is evident that the NYPD were blatantly attempting to provoke a violent reprisal in order to justify their own violent oppression of peaceful gatherings.

This action followed similar, under reported events out of Occupy MidWest in St Louis. It looks like the police departments are following the failed example of Oakland Police during the winter.

What did we hear out of the Executive Branch of the Government of the United States while the NYPD were running unchecked? Not a damn thing!

Six Months Ago

Six months ago today a group of protestors stepped off to protest the decay in U.S. society caused by income inequity. The primary goal was to visibly challenge the corporate rule in the United States. At best, and at most the Occupy Movement has raised the issue. And to date, the situation has become worse.

Foreclosures continue. Wages are still low. Fuel prices are creeping at a steady pace to levels higher than 2005 when Hurricane Katrina temporarily halted fuel production. Bank fees have risen to levels usually associated with loan sharking. Obama signed off on indefinite detention by the U.S. military of “suspected” terrorist within U.S. borders. A new law has been installed which makes virtually impossible to protest the government’s actions on any federal property. The police have gone from being the heroes of 9/11 (by proxy) to brutal thugs using any means necessary to oppress peaceful campers. All but a very few, small, Occupy camps around the world have successfully been swept off the map.

The various local governments from the Atlantic to the Pacific have used police crime control tactics on camping protestors, while the media has celebrated the brutality. In most cases, once in court, the police have failed to make any substantial case against those arrested for "camping." The majority of the cases have been dropped. This is proof that the police are engaged in the suppression of civil rights and not law enforcement.

The transparency associated with the Occupation movement has all but vanished. Ongoing national and international tweets have gone from idea exchange to headlines and media post. In many cases solidarity is expressed in the breach and not in the observance. Protest, like work and other daily activities, have become ritualized as people continue to voice opposition to the status quo; Officials hide in protective enclaves. If progress is being made against the ongoing decay in society, it is hard to see it in the rest of life. 

While the income issues are now in the headlines, the reports still reflect a disdain for those who have been cast aside by the Feudal Lords and Ladies of this current era. Local media has taken to posting a job-of-the-day in conjunction with job boards, and are full of good ideas on how to land jobs; they still refuse to address the declining income levels in conjunction with the gross profiteering by their parent corporations. They are reinforcing the ritualization of everyday life in the U.S.A. It can best be described as the popular fake-it-‘till-you-make-it of the last decade. Most people seem too well aware that making it is the furthest from reality in this current era. They are thus frozen in a life of mindless, thoughtless repetition that is good only for the masters of today’s world. Yet, the rebellion continues.We see people still coming together, still raising a sign, still pitching a tent, still marching the street, still occupying a space in an effort to tell the rulers to respond to the massed citizens. 

While often called a Revolution, there is little evidence of a desire for radical change of the system. What is seen, in spite of internal denial, is more of a cry to fix the existing system. Very few, though articulate, are calling for a coup d'état to replace the Lords of Capitalism.

The various General Assemblies still reflect the adherence to the stratified status quo. Participation is, out of pragmatic necessity, limited to those who can make it in person to the gathering. This, however, limits participation to those with resources to participate, and lock out the voices of those who can only reach out through tenuous electronic communication channels. Even within the Occupy movement, many voices are still silenced through the lack of financial resources. This is little different from the functions of the Democrats or the Republicans. Experiences vary from city to city, but effectively many supporters of the Occupation have been shut down or shut off. To point this out is often met with dismissal, harassment, isolation, or denial.

There is little real evidence of violence within the Occupation. While many eyes have focused on a few minor incidences where charges have been dropped. Most of the so called Black Block tactics are nothing more than the organized defense against ongoing police brutality. A painted plastic shield may be seen by some to indicate a form of weapon; it is, however, only a protective device to deflect ballistic bean bags, rubber bullets, and tear gas. The occasional, isolated broken window is an act of rage and frustration, not an open statement of general hostility towards the existing system.

History of civil unrest is the indicator herein; the events in Los Angeles of April 29, 1992[1] have not been repeated in New York, Chicago, Oakland, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Miami, Portland, Louisville, or London.

At best there is an indication that the Occupiers are attempting to take the long view. They wait out the natural life cycle of the current Oligarchy while pressing for internal systemic change. Their collective youth gives them that advantage over the declining Silent, and Boomer Generations.             

[1] 1992 Los Angeles riots. (2012, March 13). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 13:58, March 17, 2012, from

Public Law No: 112-098

I am not exactly sure how to tackle this one for you, folks. Once again, this congress, and this progressive president, has decided to violate the Constitution of the United States. We are talking about H.R. 347 (which is now Public Law Number 112-098). The summery is as follows:

Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011 - Amends the federal criminal code to revise the prohibition against entering restricted federal buildings or grounds to impose criminal penalties on anyone who knowingly enters any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority. Defines "restricted buildings or grounds" as a posted, cordoned off, or otherwise restricted area of: (1) the White House or its grounds or the Vice President's official residence or its grounds, (2) a building or grounds where the President or other person protected by the Secret Service is or will be temporarily visiting, or (3) a building or grounds so restricted due to a special event of national significance.[1]

This has been called an Anti-Occupy Law. The law, as unconstitutional as it is, was introduced on January 19, 2011. On the surface, it does look like a law written in response to Wisconsin protest of Governor Walker’s union busting legislation. 

For details and debate there are a few links here that I will let you look into for yourself.

Amendment One to the Constitution of the United States reads as follows:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.[2]

While the legal experts can argue about language, as that is the bread and butter of lawyers, our Constitution states that Congress shall make no law respecting… the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Public Law No: 112-098 does exactly that. It is a law signed by President Obama limiting “the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

You cannot protest on Federal Property for “a redress of grievances.” It is pretty much just that simple. It is a violation of your rights. It is an illegal law. This is not an issue that Congress has the right to legislate. Yet, they did it. No one stopped it. Our Progressive President Obama signed it into law.  

Side Note: This is my 100th Post to Blogger. Took long enough to get here.

[1] Library of Congress. (2012, March 8). Bill Summary & Status 112th Congress (2011 - 2012) H.R.347 All Information. In Thomas. Retrieved March 13, 2012, from
[2] First Amendment to the United States Constitution. (2012, March 9). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 12:00, March 13, 2012, from

A Great Victory over the G8

Did Occupy Chicago come into the equation to move the G8 to Camp David? According to CBS Chicago[1], that is a question that was dodged by the President of the United States. Obama point out that NATO is still on it way. According to reports on WGN this morning, however, unnamed sources in Chicago’s City Hall reported that security was indeed a concern. Essentially the President did not want the world’s business leaders to meet and greet the unwashed masses that were planning on visiting Chicago for just that reason. It comes down to the representative of the 1% were unwilling to come to terms with the 99%. At best, maybe, some good will comes out of the move. It was a conference like the one planned at Camp David which gave us Bretton Woods agreement[2], and 27 years of financial stability after World War II.

While the well healed diplomats are heading to seclusion and peaceful isolation, NATO is still on it way. The likelihood of NATION moving to a new venue seems somewhat unthinkable. The financial diplomats can move out without losing face. The same cannot be said about the western’s worlds generals cannot turn tail, and run from the scruffy riff raff (like me) on the streets of Chicago. It would be ridiculous for NATO to hide. They are the collective representatives of the west War Machine. They are not going to let everyday citizens chase them out of the third largest city in the United States. In a sense, NATO is going to double, dog dare Occupy Chicago to do just that. A double dog dare at this point alone is a breach of street etiquette. 

NATO will be here in Chicago. Occupy Chicago will be here. The only question is: who else will be here from May 1, 2012 to May 21, 2012[3]

Side Note

If you are catching a tone of sarcasm in this report, it is not your imagination.  With the degrading of our civil rights, our industry, our education, and the continued gutting four years after it begun, it is hard to take our leaders seriously. Some say the inmates have taken over the asylum. I am beginning to think that gangbangers have taken over. The decent people are the ones screaming on the street.  

[1] G8 Move To Camp David Was In The Works For Weeks. (2012, March 6). In CBS Chicago. Retrieved March 6, 2012, from
[2] Bretton Woods system. (2012, March 1). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 02:16, March 7, 2012, from
[3] Webber, T. (2012, March 6). G8 Summit Moved From Chicago: Protesters Say They Will Still Come For NATO . In Huff Post Chicago. Retrieved March 6, 2012, from

No Fear: Occupy DePaul

Occupy DePaul

As I am writing this on Friday, March 2, 2012, there is an ongoing Occupation at DePaul University. The Feudal Lords of that Catholic Institution have decided to take a secret vote on tuition hikes, and other austerity measures. Once again the “haves” of the ruling class are pressing on the “have-nots” under them.[1] While the hikes are proposed to coincide with an 11% hike in student aid, they also insure continued lifetime indentured servitude to lenders for the students. 

The students did meet with the “condescending” President Dennis Holtschneider Thursday afternoon. They held the 22nd floor of the University’s offices until 8:30PM last night. They are regrouping for a mass rally on Friday. 

Follow the event on Twitter at #OccupyDePaul, and show your support for the students 55 East Jackson in downtown Chicago. 

There is a rally at 10:00 PM tonight at Statue of Fr. Egan in front of DePaul StudentCenter, Sheffield and Belden. The students are asking for public support for their four demands:
  1. Immediate tuition freeze for all current and incoming students.
  2. That Fr. Holtschneider retracts his approval of the proposed 2012-2013 budget and tuition increase.
  3. That we are granted a meeting with the Board of Trustees, and the SRAC before the vote on the proposed budget.
  4. That the vote this Saturday be postponed until this meeting is held.
No Fear 

We are together, a group of us from Occupy Chicago; not sure why. We are in the back of the pack advancing on the Police line. The police stand there stoic, behind their shields. There is a press of the crowd as the Police advance on the crowd. There is a shot. A canister belching thick white smoke spins on the ground. A gap opens in the crowd as people run to get away from the noxious, sickening fumes. Being far enough back, I pull on my gas mask and welding gloves. I weed through the chaos. I put up the burning cylinder. Holding it in the thick gloves, I advance on the police line to hand it back to them. The police see it as a threat, and a blatant act of defiance, one officer pulls his side arm, takes aim, and pumps three rounds into my chest. I am dead before I collapse to the ground.

That statement reads pretty strange, right? It is intended to. It is intended to illustrate how one can prepare for a potential dangerous situation, and become comfortable with the possible outcome. One draws on one’s training, and one’s preparations, and visualizes the worse possible outcome. Turn it over in one’s mind, look at all angles, and accept the inevitable possibility, and then work the situation in one’s mind, in advance, to change the outcome. That is what we call planning. 

Back to the Real World

The likelihood of the scenario playing out that way is pretty slim, by the way. It is not Chicago’s way of dealing with unruly protestors. Chicago Police Officers are pretty street smart, and even more street tough. Honestly, they have more courage than sense sometimes, which is what we’ve come to expect from our city’s police officers. Garry McCarthy, Chicago’s Police Superintendent, is on record[2] saying that he sees no sense in using tear gas on the streets of Chicago. In a recent press conference with Chicago’s business community, McCarthy assured the audience, “If demonstrators who are breaking the law appear in a large throng of people, my expectation is we’ll have an extraction team that would go in and arrest them….” Based on what was seen at the two major confrontations at Congress and Michigan in October, we can pretty much expect the CPD to use the “flying wedge” to extract any Black Block players from the crowd. Sounds reasonable and professional, right?

For those outside the city, you might want to spend a few minutes watching the Chicago Police Department in action. 

The real assessment comes after the arrest happens. It is best, after the arrest happens, to consider yourself a prisoner of war. That is pretty much what this is, folks. Be respectful, give the Police your name and address, and then shut up. Their job is to nail you in court by using your own words against you. Don’t given them the nails, or the hammer, to do that. Don’t brag. Don’t be shamed. Don’t protest. You are a POW. Know full well that people are out there who know you have honored the cause, and yourself, by sacrificing your freedom for the sake of others. You don’t have to posture before the police officer, who really doesn’t give a damn, to promote the righteousness of the cause. The opportunity to promote the cause may come in court some three to six months later. Please keep it in mind; the courts are not about truth, they are about winning. We have yet to even begin addressing the mess we call the Criminal Justice System.

[1] Esposito, S. (2012, March 2). DePaul University students protest proposed tuition hike . In Chicago Sun-Times. Retrieved March 2, 2012, from
[2] Gosztola, K. (2012, February 17). Chicago Police Superintendent Just Not That Into Using Tear Gas at NATO/G8 Protests. In The Dissenter. Retrieved March 2, 2012, from

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