Some Final Thoughts

A work like this never can be completed. It is a fuzzy snapshot in time. The world is becoming more fluid and dynamic as I write this. The work originally was released in June of 2006, and by August 13, 2006, it has seen no less than six revisions.
The primary goal of this work is to alert the wise to the rising dangers that will affect the national community. I hope I have done that. The rise of the neo-conservative Right is a new dynamic in the overall scheme of politics. This has been the assertion of Kevin Phillips and others over the past six years. I am not sure if that is a correct assessment, as the Ku Klux Klan did control much of the South at one time. Their brand of White Man’s Christianity seems to have been forgotten in the current discussion on the neo-conservative Right. However, I will leave that to better historians than me.
The current expression of the neo-conservative Right is new to our era. Since it is new, it is looked upon with wariness by anyone who would be considered a free thinker and has any sense of history. Much of the Conservative platform I can agree with:
·      I do agree with the private ownership of firearms for self defense;
·      I do agree that the “liberal agenda” was a runaway train;
·      I do agree that personal responsibility is healthy in society;
·      I do agree with a just tax structure;
·      I agree with the perspicacious use of our military;
·      I agree with the social values of justice, mercy, and humility before one’s own God
·    I agree with the old conservative values of conservation of all national resources, less government intervention, and more private initiatives where such initiatives are performed on an equitable platform.
In spite of my lambasting the top leaders of the neo-conservative Right, Jerry Falwell, and Pat Robertson are sincere people. There is no doubt in my mind that they believe strongly they are doing God’s will. However, their admittedly minority opinion is damaging the nation and the churches. The Christian Church is being stained by the neo-conservative Right corruption of both radical religion and corrupt politics.
As with their CSA spiritual forefathers, the neo-conservative Right is playing a winner-take-all game of chicken with social forces that they cannot control.
To understand what the neo-conservative Right stands for all one needs is to look at what they have done thus far. It has gone through more than one purging for the sake of conservative and theological political correctness; even Newt Gingrich, who served the cause so effectively in the 1990s, was push aside because he had an extra-marital affair. It has suffered the events of September 11, 2001 (though some have accused the Neo-conservative Right of authoring those events). It has taken us into wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, based on, at best, false assumptions and false assurances. It has mismanaged FEMA and HLS, and displaced the majority of the population of New Orleans and the rest of the Gulf Cost, in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. So far, nothing has gone right for the neo-conservative Right. While the rank and file of the GOP is patient, they are not exactly blind to incompetence. Is there a solution for the neo-conservative Right?
If they are to succeed in retaining power, expanding their interpretation of the Constitution and U.S. history over the nation, and establishing this Constitutional Republic as a Christian Theocratic State  (more reflective of the Afghanistan’s and Iranian Islamic government than they want to admit), then they need to dig deeper into the well of resources and bring men and women to high office who are competent. I don’t see this happening. To be honest, I think they have pretty much exhausted their resources with what they have. I am trying hard not to be demeaning or insulting, but from the looks of things, the players in the neo-conservative Right are not the brightest bulbs in the marquee. I don’t think they have a deep well of resources to draw from. As of May 13, 2006, they are courting GOP stewards who are centered more to the party; McCain is to speak at the commencement ceremonies of Falwell’s university.
The neo-conservative Right has pretty much exhausted the patience of the nation, and are, once again, manipulating the GOP to find a footing in the future of the politics of the United States. Only time will tell what will come of these role-playing games. The best indicator coming is the November 2006 general election.
GOP does not stand for God’s Only Party!


I have selected 2027 as the year when the future starts. What I mean is that the year 2027 will be the year when the next cycle of prosperity begins. One such era began in 1945. Twenty years later began a time of spirituality. The next phase of the cycle, the age of the individual, started in 1983. The next crisis cycle began in 2001. This crisis cycle should be resolved by 2019. Given a few years to clean up the debris, by 2027, we should have another time of prosperity.
The world that will exist in 2027 will be as different as 1953 was from 1929. 1929 was the beginning of the last crisis cycle. As frightening as these times of crisis are, humankind has survived them all. The next will be no different. There are over three hundred million Americans alive today. Even if our eight largest cities were attacked with nuclear weapons, our losses would be only about forty million Americans. Of course, that would be unspeakably awful; however, two hundred and sixty million Americans would survive. No doubt, these survivors will redefine the nation and the world.
These survivors will rise from the ashes demanding balance. The “extreme” philosophy of Generation X will be passé. The thrill of the extreme will die with the real hardships faced during the crisis. The result will be moderation in all things. Reason will return to the political landscape. Social responsibility will return to the forefront, and the corporate monopolies that now rule will give way to the common good.
Technology will be used to improve life. Streets and highways, neglected in favor of weapons expenditures, will be rebuilt with the future in mind. They will use computer technology to be smarter and safer. Artificial intelligence will drive your vehicle for you by means of expert sensors and global positioning systems.
Newspapers will be electronic as publishers finally wrestle the internet away from individual mavericks. They will be tailored to your interests. Audio and video will digitally stream to your vehicle as corporate radio and television now do.  
Wages will finally climb to reasonable levels. Money itself will be adjusted in value. Paper money will become more and more novel as debit cards become more popular. In order to ensure security, some form of biometrics will be utilized for debit cards, most likely an electronic thumbprint.
Two factors will increase the average income. One is diminished population levels forcing a more competitive wage structure. The second factor will be a sense of social responsibility redefining what is reasonable profit while rewarding workers for their efforts. This will be forced by revitalized unionization.  
Credit as we understand it will disappear. The unsecured loan will be held in disdain by consumers and businesses alike. This will be a result of the overuse of credit scores for non-credit purposes and the irresponsible use of credit in the previous two generations.
Health care will finally get the attention it deserves. The new social contract will elevate health care to a right. In the aftermath of an outbreak of a biological pathogen, some form of socialized medicine will emerge. If not, otherwise healthy people will succumb to treatable diseases for lack of adequate insurance. Those uninsured and underinsured will suffer economic hardship due to the high cost of health care. This will be followed by the collapse of a health insurance industry unable to pay the claims of millions of covered patients in the wake of the epidemic. The government will relieve the private health insurance companies of their responsibilities and will evolve an effective and efficient health care system.
The medical community itself will undergo change. Society will see it as partially culpable for the crisis. It will carry a sense of guilt for its inability to render aid in the early stages of the outbreak. Health care professionals will be forced to restructure medical care to be responsive to all people.
Cost effective and efficient desalinization will provide additional sources of fresh water and allow resources to be diverted back into agriculture.
The division between rural and urban will blur. Small towns will be revitalized as survivors scatter across the country. Cities that survive will be far less populated. Corporate America, fearing the target created by building in clusters, will disperse. Smaller cities will expand in size to accommodate the new influx of business and people. The government will intervene to set fair market values for real estate to prevent price gouging. Super cities like New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles, having been abandoned during the crisis, will be recovered as living monuments to the twentieth century.
Multinational corporations will cease to exist by this time. In the year 2027, distrust of foreign influence and the inability of the multinationals to respond to national interests will finally take their toll on these corporations. The market will de-invest in the global giants in favor of more localized firms. Production facilities will be forced back into the United States.
The classic conservative values of God, home, community, and employer will prevail in the surviving culture, at least in publicly. In private, neo-hedonistic subcultures will add a diversion to the publicly uniform life. Monogamous marriages for public show will provide cover for discreet extramarital affairs. Indiscretion will be socially punished, but forgotten and forgiven quickly as long as the primary family unit remains in tact and the children are not affected.
Children will be treasured, pampered, and protected as national treasures. The crisis will assert a sense of the fragility of life and the blessing of existence. Certain side effects of the crisis will result in sterilization. Couples will be free to adopt orphans and unsupported children. Every child will be viewed as a community asset; the community will come to the aid of any struggling parent. Parents will be held in high esteem for having children and will readily find support with any issue. Community and social responsibility will connect with individual responsibility to provide an artificially safe environment in the surviving nation.
Religion will find itself delegated to private life. It will no longer be a viable political tool. By consensus, religion in public life will be suspect. The surviving generation will not tolerate religious bigotry, public displays of religion outside of acceptable religious centers or group identification based on religion.
The surviving generation will demand order from the religious and anti-religious factions. The same holds true concerning political divisions. Wide political divergences will be tolerated only as long as they remain in the confines of political aspirations.
National politics will be defined by the overwhelming, almost compulsive desire to achieve diplomatic resolutions to all problems. Elected officials will be skilled political leaders and diplomats. Armed conflict will be repulsive to the surviving generation. They will engage the world on all levels to find common communal values and build solutions.
If not replaced, the United Nations will become a form of elected representative global government. It will function on a parliamentary system similar to the British system. This body will be a two-house body, much like the United States Congress. One house will be based on population while the other will allow for equal representation. The executive branch of the new United Nations will have police powers. The surviving generation will demand that national sovereignty take a back seat to global necessities. Any national government that opposes this trend will be replaced. We will demand global engagement to ensure global social order. The key for the traumatized surviving generation will be order. They will demand it, and they will get it.
The trauma of the crisis will have a prolonged effect on its survivors. Drug use will be high due to traumatized survivors self-medicating and to the early failures of the medical community to cope with the impact of high casualties during the crisis. The result will be the decriminalization of drug use and a surviving generation demanding solutions to drug dependence. Drug use will be stripped of its social stigma and addressed as a medical issue. All forms of abnormal behavior due to delayed stress will be addressed through the medical community. 
As the surviving generation gives way to the treasured generation, uniformity and pragmatism will give way to nonconformity and the exploration of individual expression. Creativity will rise in the arts and the media and pave the way towards an enlightened, educated era of free expression.
These are just predictions based on the events of history. History is only a guide; it is not a dictator. We may not be able to avert the crisis. However, we can minimize it by rationally addressing it. Our job now is to make sure that people survive to see the next era of prosperity. Our future is bright; we just need to get there.

And It Came to Pass

Very early in 2003, when I was beginning to pull together all my notes and observations on the neo-conservative Right, I gave them the following warning:

Let's assume, hypothetically that this Administration blunders the United States of America into a World War. Let’s say we are viewed as the illegal aggressor; this is strictly hypothetical. The world comes crashing down on us, changes our leadership by force, and then convenes a military tribunal for war crimes. Under the current situation, without your specific distinction, all Christendom is suspect and innocent people will likely be executed for what their membership has done. While every Christian, in theory, should be ready to give their life for Jesus Christ, it is not exactly justice that all Christians should be tainted with crimes against humanity. That is, of course, presuming that justice is contained within your expression of Christianity. Again, this is hypothetical as an illustration of the outcome to the actions which you currently support.

That is already coming to pass.
I am wholly enjoying American Theocracy by Kevin Phillips. However, I also see the warning I gave the neo-conservative Right coming to pass. Mr. Bush, the GOP’s darling of 2000, fully supported by the rank-and-file conservatives of the Republican Party, is now, as a lame duck, being cast as a religious zealot under the influence of the neo-conservative Right. I am no supporter of the neo-conservative Right, but let’s be honest. That branch of the GOP only produced four million votes for Mr. Bush in 2004. Whatever else is to be said, they were not exactly ringers. Mistaken, maybe, but still entitled to their “Sacred Franchise,” as it was once called. They have the right to campaign for the politician of their choice. They have the right to vote. The remainder of Mr. Bush’s victory, and his dismal performance in office (with an approval rating of only 22%)[1] was at the bequest of the mainstream, hard-line, big business stalwart conservatives of the Grand Old Party.
Now Mr. Bush’s approval rating has dropped below Nixon’s, and the GOP members of the House and the Senate have to be reelected. The same people who brought him to power are using the neo-conservative Right as its scapegoat. Mr. Phillips, as a GOP strategist, had a hand in recruiting Southern conservatives into the Republican Party to give Nixon the boost he needed from the Silent Majority in 1972. He writes as if he is surprised, shocked, and appalled by the clearly fundamentalist leanings of the Southern culture. American Theocracy, and others that will follow (my own included), lays blame at the feet of the neo-conservative Right and the good people who worked so hard to put the Bush-flavored GOP into office. However, William Buckley had just as much, if not more, to do with the twin victories of Mr. Bush as did Dr. Dobson, Pat Robertson, and Jerry Falwell.
I am willing to fix blame on the neo-conservative Right for being duped into supporting the GOP with such fervor. That is my biggest vexation with the neo-conservative Right. They think they are in the game. They are not!
The Kingdom of God is not a political state within any geographical border. That ended back in 73 C.E. (or A.D. if you prefer). The GOP has co-opted the sincere religious beliefs of the neo-conservative Right to propel the GOP right wing hard liners into political power. This is not much different from the Democrats use of the Religious Left (the whole Liberation Theology Movement which smacked of Marxism more than Jesus) in the 1960s and 1970s. Let’s make no mistake; the GOP is using the neo-conservative Right for its own aims, and the neo-conservative Right is using the GOP to further its aims. It is the equivalent of a prostitute and a gigolo in bed together.
Neither one is innocent. We all are the ones paying the price.
It would be rather ironic if, in the near future, those of us who are despised by the neo-conservative Right need to come to their aid to protect them from what they wrought in the land. It would be Jehovah’s joke on us all.

[1] President's approval rating at record low, 5/18/2006 3:23 PM, Capital News 9 Staff

The Coming Civil War?

There is allot of press about the militarization of the various local police forces. It is not without cause. The establishment knows the same history, and social science I used to draw my conclusion. This essay was written in 2006, and it is still relevant today. The players, and the catalyst have changed, but the science and patterns remain the same.

Cliff Potts - August 19, 2014

Look at the patterns in history. While the events never repeat, the patterns do. These are the patterns.


War of the Roses
1459 - 1487
Civil War
Armada Crisis
International War
Glorious Revolution
1675 – 1704
Civil War
American Revolution
1773 – 1794
Civil War
US Civil War
1860 – 1865
Civil War
1929 – 1945

International War

The US Civil War of 1860 was triggered prematurely by religious zealousness in the United States. This is a key to understanding the turning that is understated by Strauss and Howe. All of this is covered in The Fourth Turning by Strauss and Howe in 1997.[1]
Roughly every eighty years, the Anglo-Saxon culture goes through a crisis which defines the culture for the following eighty years. As previously stated, the cycle can be truncated. This crisis cycle began in 1999.
Second, we need to look at the work done by Robert K. Merton published in 1938.[2] While he limits his discussion to criminality, he does broach the subject of rebellion. With what was happening in Nazi Germany at the time, he would have to take it into consideration.
I am focusing on ritualism, retreatism, and rebellion, while Merton is focusing on individuality. Strauss and Howe’s work also shows a pattern for understanding social movements as a whole.
We lose faith in cultural goals when they no longer serve us, or are altered so far that they no longer express our individual goals, and violate the social contract under which we accept responsibility to the state. We no longer see the goals as ours, but we keep doing as we are told because we don’t know what else to do. Then we see that the goals are no longer ours and that the Institutional Means are no longer working. This puts us into a Retreatism mode. That void has to be filled. Into that void comes the idea of Rebellion that brings forth new Goals and new Means. This is seen clearly in the 1929 to 1946 solutions to the Great Depression and World War II. One has to admit that FDR was far more socialist than any other President was, but that is because Socialism was the new and untried concept/theory going back to 1902 (± a decade). In Nazi Germany, it took on a different and murderous look.
Third, we have the Religious Fundamentalists rearing their expressed desire to fill the void with religious dogma (see Kevin Phillips’ book, American Theocracy). These fundamentalists (Islamic, Christian, or otherwise) all utilize the Neutralization Techniques and Differential Association. However, it is interesting to note that the fundamentalists use them in reverse order in the presentation given by Sykes and Matza.[3]
First, their allegiance is to God. There is no higher authority in the Myths of the United States. If one is acting for God, then one is not subject to human law. This is the root of the events that transpired at Mount Carmel with the Branch Davidians, the bombing of the OKC building, the bombings of the abortion clinics, and the abortion doctor murders.
Second in line comes the “Condemnation of the Condemners” in conjunction with “Denial of Victim.” First, society as a whole is corrupt; as such, we do not have the right to question, judge, or condemn actions committed in the name of God. Since we are corrupt and “sinful”, we deserve to be punished, impoverished, diminished in status, and finally killed. This is what Hitler did, and what is supported fully in the Calvinism dogma (I will strongly note that the New Testament scriptures do NOT support this; but it may be supported by intellectual gymnastics within the Old Testament scriptures.)
Remember the words of Falwell and Robertson concerning the events of 9/11:

 Among his more controversial statements, Robertson has described feminism as a ‘socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians." Many of Robertson's views mirror those of the evangelical activist Jerry Falwell, who has made frequent appearances on The 700 Club. He agreed with Falwell when Falwell stated [11] that the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks were caused by "pagans, abortionists, feminists, gays, lesbians, the ACLU and the People for the American Way.[4]

 Falwell is a controversial subject for his theoligical, political and social beliefs. He has claimed "the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People for the American Way" in blame for the September 11, 2001 attacks. As for homosexuality, Falwell remarked "AIDS is the wrath of a just God against homosexuals." Falwell's ghostwriter Mel White said Jerry Falwell remarked about gay protesters, "Thank God for these gay demonstrators. If I didn't have them, I'd have to invent them. They give me all the publicity I need.[5]

It is clear that the men who are leaders of the Fundamentalist movement in the United States are in Denial of Victim when it comes to those murdered. It is also very clear that they are playing very slick political games.
This distain towards the suffering inflicted on others is far too well documented in the events which followed Hurricane Katrina. The people left behind in New Orleans were the lowest on the economic ladder; yet they were condemned to suffer for days without relief, and were condemned for their actions. It is well documented that people who have violence in their cognitive landscape will act out in such a way. It is one of the main themes portrayed in Lucifer’s Hammer by Niven and Pournelle.[6]
I have cited a number of quotes concerning the aims of the Fundamentalist movement in the U.S. It is a movement towards the imposition of religious law over civil law. To put it bluntly, these guys are aiming at replacing the constitution with the Torah, or their version of it.
The Torah is the old Jewish Constitution of Antiquity, which is said to have been handed down to Moses by God. It is contained in the first five books of the bible; it is referred to as “the Constitution” within the Jewish community. It is how the Jewish community defines its unique culture and never has been proselytized as the only rules for all the people of the earth. Yet, the Fundamentalists, and specifically the Reconstructionists, want it (or some Calvinistic version of it) as the law of the land in the United States.
In polite society, we have been taught that it is disrespectful to questions another’s religious belief. If one wishes to adhere to Torah in their personal life, that is their business, and only their business. However, there are forces in the U.S. who want to impose it on all the others in the nation and they are using the narrow view to dictate policy. Again, I have some references to that in Theocon Nation. Kevin Phillips makes a stronger case for the work, but misses the point of calling it treason. To overthrow the Constitution with some kind of Biblical Constitution is treason against both the Constitution and, by default, the people of the United States of America. It cannot be overlooked that the Calvinist Movement was directly responsible for the Glorious Revolution of 1675 to 1704 when the Puritans removed, for a short time, the Monarchy of England.
It is interesting to note that a GOP Senator has proposed a rule change to allow Mr. Bush to be sued for misusing his veto power over legislation passed by Congress. We see the beginnings of the separation between Bush and the GOP in Senator Specter’s actions.

A powerful Republican committee chairman who has led the fight against President Bush's signing statements said Monday he would have a bill ready by the end of the week allowing Congress to sue him in federal court.

We will submit legislation to the United States Senate which will...authorize the Congress to undertake judicial review of those signing statements with the view to having the president's acts declared unconstitutional," Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen Specter, R-Pa., said on the Senate floor.

Specter's announcement came the same day that an American Bar Association task force concluded that by attaching conditions to legislation, the president had sidestepped his constitutional duty to sign a bill, veto it, or take no action.
Bush has issued at least 750 signing statements during his presidency, reserving the right to revise, interpret, or disregard laws on national security and constitutional grounds.[7]
The fourth item for consideration is the theory that holds that Revolution occurs when the revolutionaries think they can win. With the mobilization of the neo-conservative Right for the 2004 election, and the revitalization of the Moral Majority, we see that the Fundamentalists are positioning themselves for a victory. Should that victory be thwarted, they could result to violence (as some did in the 1990s). While the GOP is beginning to distance themselves from Bush’s failings, the Fundamentalists have not given up on the goal of declaring the United States a Christian nation. The GOP state platform of Texas declared the United States to be a Christian nation and as such only their version of Christianity was the legitimate religion of the U.S. Mr. Robertson is on record as saying that all other Christians are devil worshipers, and that the State Department under Colin Powell should be nuked (see reference noted above).
The idea that the United States is a Christian Nation comes from the Constitution of the Confederate States of America and not the founders of the United States of America. This is revealed in the preamble of the CSA constitution.

We, the people of the Confederate States, each State acting in its sovereign and independent character, in order to form a permanent federal government, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity — invoking the favor and guidance of Almighty God — do ordain and establish this Constitution for the Confederate States of America.

That line “invoking the favor and guidance of Almighty God” is the key to understanding the ideal of the CSA and the goals of the Fundamentalists. Fundamentalism came out of an anti-modern movement in the 1920s. It resided primarily in the Southern Baptist Conference. The Southern Baptist Conference war born as a direct result of the distrust the South had of the North in 1845, and became the sanctuary for the Confederacy after the surrender of Lee at the Appomattox Court House in April 1865.
The Fundamentalists have motive. They have history. They are utilizing neutralization techniques to rationalize their actions and arguments. The cultural climate is right for them to try to take control. One question remaining is whether they will resort to open violence. That question, to some degree, was answered in the 1990s. Do they really constitute a threat, or is it all lip service?

With the world situation so dynamic and fluid at this point, it may not be from the right where the revolution forms. It may be from the political left in response to election cycles that are deemed degraded by vote fraud. This has been a topic of discussion on the left since the 2000 elections questioned the validity of the presidency of George W. Bush.
I have had one unconfirmed report of fighting over the polarized positions of the left and the right. I have also received some e-mail from contacts on the right who are equally concerned at the polarization of the political dialogue.
It is also of importance to note the primary election of this past week (August 12, 2006). Lamont defeated Lieberman. Lamont ran on a strict anti-war platform, and Lieberman, the one time candidate for Vice President, ran on his substantial record as a U.S. Senator. Lieberman, a moderate to conservative democrat, was defeated, and is now running as an independent. Halfway across the nation, a long time moderate Republican was ousted in favor of an ultra-conservative candidate. This further indicates a polarization in the body politic.
I will also add that based on the events of August 2006 (the reaction by Japan to the missile test of North Korea and the invasion of Lebanon in the Middle East), we seem to be at a cusp in our progression towards the future. We may be seeing the beginning of World War III.
As World War I triggered the Russian Revolution, a truncated World War III may trigger a second American Civil War. Only time will tell.

[2] Social Structure and Anomie, American Sociological Review 3, 1938
[3] Techniques of Neutralization: A Theory of Delinquency, American Sociological Review 22, 1957
[4] Pat Robertson. (2006, July 23). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 04:25, July 26, 2006, from
[5] Jerry Falwell. (2006, July 26). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 04:28, July 26, 2006, from
[6] Lucifer's Hammer. (2006, June 13). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 05:04, July 26, 2006, from

End Times?

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Seventh Day Adventists, its now-famous offshoot the Branch Davidians, and the Jehovah Witnesses all had one thing in common:  the founders of each group believed that they were the generation that would see the return of Jesus Christ.  The first two came out of the failings of traditional churches just prior to the Civil War. The latter two also were spurred into existence by a pre-war atmosphere of social failure, this time before the Second World War. It seemed inevitable that such institutions would come into being when all of the social, political, and economic constructs seemed to be giving way to chaos.
However, such social redefinition was not understood to be the precursor to the end times. Those times when war loomed were times of hardship, struggle, and uncertainty. It was also a time that leads to opportunity. Like the people who lived in fear and turbulence during previous hard times, we have the opportunity to form a new social contract, a new way to view one another. That requires that we find our common ground, first as Americans, then as citizens of the world.
America has a future that is bright and hopeful. It is up to us to decide what that future will be and how we will respond to it. An important first step would be to respect one another in the society that will be built from the remnants of our currently failing social structures. No one is satisfied with the current shifting standards of law and society in this nation.
One of those shifting standards that are suddenly on the radar is gay marriage. The Massachusetts Supreme Court has mandated that the state provide for civil unions for gay couples. Some members of the state legislature rebelled and attempted to pass a law opposing any kind of gay marriage; however, after three separate attempts, they failed to pass such a bill. With these two branches of the state government deadlocked with no compromise in sight, it seems no one will be satisfied in this debate
Gay marriage is only one seemingly unsolvable issue. Social programs, including so-called entitlements, provide another catalyst for growing debate. The rapidly escalating national debt makes the status quo impossible. During the 1990s’ the false prosperity created by the technology boom, welfare was reformed. Welfare recipients were given five years of meager governmental subsidies before their benefits were discontinued. Within ten years of this reform, job growth collapsed. The technology sector alone has lost one-third of its jobs; of those that still exist, most are being contracted to foreign firms. That is within just one industry.
Yet another growing problem is that fewer employers are supplying their employees with adequate health insurance. Health care costs for even the most ordinary ailments can cost hundreds of dollars. A year of chiropractic treatment runs in the thousands. For most people, dental care has become out of reach unless they have dental coverage as part of their insurance. A preexisting condition can limit a person’s ability to get proper medical coverage of any kind.

How we address these issues will be based on each person’s concept of responsibility, be it personal or societal. As such, these political problems are issues of faith and belief. They are problems that we can solve if we come together with respect, tolerance, and humility. Historically, man has looked to apocalyptic mythology to explain why disturbing changes arise in society. However, no man knows when the end times will come. When asked what he would do if he knew Jesus Christ was returning tomorrow, the great 19th century evangelist D.L. Moody responded, “Plant a tree.” Isn't it time to plant some trees? We have a future to define.  

The Cycles

The concept of cycles in history is nothing new. At one time, the working hypothesis was that these cycles occurred every 120 years. Now, in a new book by Neil Howe and William Strauss called The Fourth Turning, we see substantial sociological and historical evidence that the cycles have truncated along generational lines and run in cycles that are less than 100 years.
The Protestant Reformation (1517-1542) was followed immediately by a time of martyrdom and of theological power struggle from 1542 through 1569. This social upheaval was quelled only by the war that took place from 1569 to 1594 between the English and the Spanish. The victory of England over Spain seemed to put an end to the squabbles.
The era of Puritanism (1621-1649) was followed by a reactionary period that encompassed the witch burnings that occurred from 1649 to 1675. This era, in turn, lead to the civil war that was called the Glorious Revolution (1675-1704). 
The First Great Awakening (1727-1746), the first of several American Christian revival movements, was followed by a series of global bush wars not unlike what we have seen in the past twenty years. The Great Awakening was followed by the French and Indian Wars that lasted from 1746 to 1773. This period led directly into the American Revolution (1773-1794) which was a result of oppressive royal measures.
The Transcendental Awakening (1822- 1844) was very similar to the late 1960s era. It boasted communal experiments, prophetic religious revivals, and civil rights movements. This era of peace and introspection was followed by the Mexican-American War and the murmured beginnings of sectionalism (1844-1860). This sectionalism, in turn, lead directly to the American Civil War (1860-1865).
The Third Great Awakening (1886-1908) came directly before the Spanish-American War. That same period saw a growing social awareness as a result of muckrakers like Upton Sinclair who provided an impetus for social change. On a less positive note, this period after the Third Great Awakening gave us World War I (1914-1918). This was the ill fought, ill remembered, and highly destabilizing military venture in Europe. Just following the war, another wave of puritan zeal swept the nation and led to the passage of the Eighteenth Amendment in 1919 that created Prohibition. 
It cannot be overlooked that many of the excesses of the Roaring ‘20s are again being played out in the 1990s and the 2000s. Extreme sports have replaced barnstorming, and nonsense like Survivor and Fear Factor has replaced dance marathons. Speakeasies have given way to raves. This is all just a new cycle of the same ideas.
In 1929, there came another trying time. Conservative business factions lost control of their ability to manage and manipulate the marketplace. This event precipitated the Great Depression (1929-1941) and lead eventually to World War II (1941-1945). Deaths in World War II exceeded 55 million civilians and 400,000 U.S. military members. Hitler murdered six million Jews in his concentration camps. He annihilated some seven million Gypsies, mentally handicapped persons, Catholics, gays, political prisoners, and others in forced labor camps. The Allied bombing of Dresden killed an estimated 150,000 civilians, while the A-bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were responsible for another 250,000 fatalities. Questionable statistics for the death tolls in China, Korea, the Philippines, Vietnam, and other Japanese-occupied areas exist. The Russian death toll is estimated at nine million.
What is often overlooked in the post-World War II history text books is why German Chancellor Hitler and Japanese Emperor Hirohito were allowed to lead so many to their deaths in those years of crisis. The German people believed that Hitler was the manifestation of God, and the Japanese held that Hirohito was God in the form of man. This religious element seems to be an embarrassment to recent historians as these two men brought death and destruction to so many around the world with their acts of aggression and vengeance. This donning of the religious mantle is now being played out in the Middle East and the United States.
The youthful mindset of promise and hope of one era seems to transform into finger pointing, blame, and condemnation; and, finally when all opposition is dehumanized, there comes a time of destruction and murder. Where good intentions fail, muskets, rifles, and bombs are used to solve the issues. It would seem that mutual respect and acceptance of differences would go a long way in an attempt to resolve differences in a more peaceful way. Unfortunately, the lesson of moderation seems to be learned only after the horror of war.
The Conciseness revolution from 1964 to approximately 1982, has given way to the Culture Wars of the 1982 to 1999. During the Culture Wars, divisions began widening in the United States. These divisions are based upon adherence of some to fundamentalist religious principals. Living by these ideals has led these people to ban together to legislate their belief system. 
It seems inevitable that this religious movement, like its precursors, will lead to some kind of stormy revolution. If the cycle is to complete itself, odds seem to favor some kind of civil war. However, some evidence exists that this may be averted. According to Jim Wallis of Sojourners, a liberally minded Christian magazine and website, “The Religious right has been able to win when they have been able to maintain and control a monologue on the relationship between faith and politics. However, when a dialogue begins about the extent of moral values issues and what biblically faithful Christians should care about, the Religious right begins to lose. The best news of all for the American church and society is this:  The monologue of the Religious right is over, and a new dialogue has just begun” (Sojourners website, March 2006). That alone could be the best indication that we have avoided the worst possible outcome.

An Achilles Heel

In Threat Assessment, I wrote that with the exception of our polarized populous, there is no force outside the U.S. which could topple our constitutional republic. I now have to amend that. On July 4, 2006 a mouse roared again. That mouse is North Korea. As is so typical of the North Korean government, it wants global attention.
A few things must be realized concerning North Korea. Technically, we are still in a state of war with them. That is left over from the Cold War. Although hostilities ceased in 1953, what we signed was an armistice agreement, not an official peace treaty. The other point that has to be considered is that North Korea sits on China’s border. As I stated before, over the thousands of years of history, China has been incredibly reluctant to express its will outside its immediate geographical sphere of influence. However, North Korea is within that sphere. Unfortunately, the situation puts the U.S. in direct conflict with China.
In a series of errors, which would resemble the same domino effect that triggered World War One, we could very well find ourselves in a war with China, Russia, the various Islamic Nations, and our cousins south of the Unites States.
Japan, sitting right in the gun barrel of the North Korean missiles, is screaming for sanctions against North Korea. The U.S., with her traditional allies, is supporting the call for sanctions against North Korea. However, in a move more reminiscent of the Cold War than current political and economic interests, China and Russia are unwilling to support the sanctions.
As this is a developing story, it hard to make predictions as to how it will play out. The U.S. could negotiate some form of agreement that could reduce the tensions in the area for now. Whatever agreement is reached would only be a stopgap measure since it is unlikely that North Korea’s paranoia will vanish anytime soon. If an agreement is reached, then we will buy an additional twenty years of relative quiet. However, the only agreement that North Korea wants is our assurances that we will not invade North Korea. That brings us right back to the situation as it ended back in the 1950s. There is no peace treaty. We are still, technically, at war with North Korea.
Not being privy to all the insider information, I cannot tell you why this situation persists. I cannot tell you why after more than a half a century the belligerents of the Korean Conflict have not finally sat down and come to terms with a war that is over. It is, however, a reality of human nature. There are still people in the United States who will adamantly argue the validity of the Confederate Cause. That war is much older. Moreover, the South lost and Lee surrendered. This is not the case with North Korea.
What would initiate the chain of events which would bring us back to a conflict in the Korean peninsula is hard to see right now. The U.S. is myopically preoccupied with securing the oil supply in the Middle East. It is strategic to our national interest. We can protest this all we want, but oil is what we run on. We are out of oil in the U.S. We ran out in 1970. Contrary to popular opinion, the Iraq War is not a spiritual issue. Oil is our national obsession. So, what then would bring us to conflict with North Korea?
One bright day in July, let’s say North Korea decided to set off yet another missile. Let’s say this one does not fall into the Sea of Japan. This one falls onto Japan. Even unarmed, it will make an impact, and it will damage something. Innocent Japanese would be injured or killed. There would be a diplomatic outcry. The Japanese defense force would be mobilized. According to the Japanese constitution, Japan cannot go to war except as an act of self-defense. It is not a stretch of the imagination to say that preventing North Korean missiles from crashing into Japan’s population centers would constitute self-defense. We, of course, would be compelled to come to the aid of Japan.
I can see the North Koreans firing a nuclear missile at one of our aircraft carriers or cruse missile battleships. What is left of our strategic air force, no longer the SAC of old, would be launched (even the Alabama Air National Guard has B1-B Bombers, so it is not like all of our strategic bomber force has been moth-balled.) Our “boomers” (nuclear-armed, nuclear-powered submarines) would come to strategic positions around the world.
China would have to come to the air of North Korea, and Russia would back China. There you have it. All of the old Cold War belligerents would be red hot and ready for a fight. The Islamic nations, including Pakistan, would back the Chinese and North Koreans. The leftist in Central America and South America would engage in clandestine operations to weaken the U.S. The old World War III scenario which we have feared for so many years would finally come about.
It is not exactly as if we will be alone in this. The old Eastern Block nations will come to our aid in responding to the very limited threat posed by the USSR (I get the impression that more than a few of them would like to pay Moscow’s debt of blood for some 40 years of occupation.) The EU will back us in the Middle East (contrary to the U.S. media, France and Germany are struggling with the Islamic extremist, and that situation would come to a boil quickly.) The United Kingdom, Great Britain, and most of the members of the Commonwealth would be in full support of us. Even the Falklands would become a vital base of operations for the US and Great Britain in addressing the threat rising from South America. We would have armed allies in Africa.
We can expect to lose seven or eight cities. That would include Fort Worth as we are sitting next to an old SAC Air Force base designed to support heavy bombers. Just to let you know, that means that this author would be among the honored dead within a twinkling of an eye. This is fitting, of course, since my oldest son will be on one of the aircraft carriers somewhere on the globe making sure that the last great Superpower gives back threefold the assault unleashed on her people.
Since the end of the Cold War, we have dismantled much of our land based ICBM (Intercontinental Ballistic Missile) force. As such, the only option remaining for an enemy may be to destroy our ability to continue to support a long-term global war. Like so many of our wars since the turn of the last century, this will be a war to kill economies. That puts the top ten cities of the US on the target grid. As such, if Fort Worth is not targeted, Dallas will be (actually, it would be more like Plano, Texas just north of Dallas.)
What is left of the US population will be forced to shift out of the cities. Our losses would be in the neighborhood of 3% to 4% of our population. That is in the range of 15 million people. Over the course of a few weeks, we could expect to be transported back in time some 200 years. We will lose gasoline supplies, power, phones, sanitary support systems, and, of course, income. If not lost altogether, such common services will be diminished greatly. Law enforcement would still exist. Hospital services, for the most part, would still exist. Both, however, would be a crude form of what they were. Life would be a day-by-day existence of substance survival. At that point, even beans and rice would be a luxury.
Will we win such a confrontation? That depends on what you call winning. There will be twelve million or more dead. The West Coast will be shattered. The cities of Chicago, New York, Washington, D.C, Philadelphia, Boston, and Dallas will be left smoldering in radioactive debris. The remaining population will shift into rural areas, which are ill-prepared to handle such a population shift. The Army will be put on border patrol in the north and the south, and they will become the peacekeepers within the nation. The Air Force will cease to exist as a viable force. The Navy? The surface vessels which depend upon petroleum-based fuels will cease to be functional within months, if not weeks. Only the nuclear vessels will survive.
They will make sure that no one is capable of assembling a fleet capable of delivering foreign troops to the shores of the United States. In the end, the Navy and the Marine Corps will be the ones who stave off the worst of the foreign invasion. The Army will be tied up on the southern boarder. It will be in their hands that the survivability of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and what is left of Southern California, depends. That will keep this nation a contiguous constitutional democratic republic. Win? Lose? That is hard to say. We will survive as a nation. In the end, surviving is all that matters.
Does it have to come to this? Do these events, or ones very similar to what is described, have to unfold? No, they don’t. However, the leadership capable of diverting such a catastrophic end to the United States as a Superpower is not in control. The children of the Greatest Generation are now in power. These children, and grandchildren, do not understand at a gut level what is at stake. They know the ideals they have been taught and they know how to mimic and posture, but in the end they do not understand the carnage which is war.
They do not understand this in the United States, China, Russia, Korea, England, or the EU. It is a lesson which has to be learned again. Moreover, it is just such a war that these men and women have been trained to expect and accept. That is why it will be repeated unless more pragmatists come to power throughout the world. It is possible that such men and women exist, but we do not see them in office yet.
If cooler heads do not prevail, than all the other issues which I have covered within these covers are irrelevant. We will be reduced to subsistence communal tribal levels, and the only government any of us will know is the one that survives in the towns where we exist. That alone may be enough of a reason to begin looking for better leadership on all levels.
Remember the word in Proverbs 24:17-18:

Rejoice not when thine enemy falleth, and let not thine heart be glad when he stumbleth: Lest the LORD see it, and it displease him, and he turn away his wrath from him.

In a recent Washington Post article, it was reported that Mr. Bush has enveloped himself in a bubble of isolation. While he sees international heads of state, the article says, the sessions are more like those of a dignitary visiting the emperor of Rome. The story goes on to say that there is no give and take and no discussion of issues. The visits are more a formality of the office than a genuine exchange of ideas. This shows a dangerous trend in the leadership of the United States.
According to Edwin M. Lemert’s work on Primary and Secondary Deviance, Mr. Bush seems to be exhibiting the eighth stage of Secondary Deviance.
The sequence of interaction leading to secondary deviation [the taking on the role of deviant behavior] is roughly as follows: (1) primary deviation; (2) social penalties; (3) further primary deviation; (4) stronger penalties and rejections; (5) further deviation, perhaps with hostility and resentment beginning to focus upon those doing the penalizing; (6) crisis reached in the tolerance quotient, expressed in formal action by the community stigmatizing of the deviant; (7) strengthening of the deviant conduct as a reaction to the stigmatizing and penalties; (8) ultimate acceptance of deviant social status and efforts at adjustment on the basis of associated role.[1]
Mr. Bush has been accused of being a tyrant. He has been accused of acting as if he is a world dictator. This has cost him much in the polls and in the status of the office he holds. This constant pressure has to have affected him. If we accept Lemert’s guidelines, this would mean that he is personalizing the role that so many have accused him of over the past six years; he may be accepting his role as world dictator.
If at any point in time we need to pay heed to the instructions of Jesus, it is now.

But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.[2]
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.[3]
Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much[4].
Pray without ceasing.[5]

It is interesting to note that the citizens of the United States may be in the sixth or seventh phase of adopting secondary deviation due to the constant threat from the Islamic terrorists.

[1] Criminological Theory, Cullen and Agnew, p. 306
[2] Matthew 5:44
[3] Luke 21:36
[4] James 5:16
[5] 1 Thessalonians 5:17

A Chance for Peace

There is a Chance for Peace Many years ago I took a class in the nature of war. I got it from a Liberal Christian Publication ca...