One Victory, and a Step Forward

After receiving notice of pending lay-offs[1], the workers at the Serious Energy plant in Goose Island refused to leave the building last Thursday. The Serious Energy plant is the same plant that once housed the Republic Window and Door Factory. The sit-down strike began in the afternoon of February 23, 2012. By 8:30 PM the Strike was in full swing with approximately 65[2] union workers occupying the factory floor, and an additional 70 supporters outside the plant. By 1:00 AM the strike was over as Serious Energy and Union agreed to “find a new owner if possible and explore all other options,” according to Serious Energy.[3] As of this writing, the Serious Energy plant remains in operation. 

Remembering Hull House

As far as the Occupation Movement is concerned, I am an observer, and part time participant. I did march with Occupy Chicago last Sunday (February 19, 2012) at the small Jane Addams Hull House memorial. It was my personal pleasure to catch up with members of Occupy Chicago who I have not seen since Day 2 of the Occupation. Unlike most events, however, I chose to be a participant, and not an archivist. I find it very hard to collect the street scenes while focusing on the event as a member. 

It was a small, somber gathering with members of the Hull House staff and the local Union Representative. One thing that was revealed is that there is a movement afoot to shut down small, independent, social service organizations in favor of some massive entity using the Wall-Mart business model. The specifics of this were not forthcoming while standing in the cold, and dark in front of the Hull House Museum at 800 S. Halsted in Chicago.        

Big Rubber Stamp

We regret to inform you that the Chicago Board of Education rubber stamped Rahm plan to improve schools by shutting them down. After the Parents of Piccolo[4] Occupation brought the plight of neglected schools to national attention, Rahm’s plan was pushed through over the objection of parents and teachers alike. 

Almost no one in Chicago’s corporate media sided with the parents. There is speculative chatter on the net that the talking heads of Chi-Town’s news outlets are not living in the city, and do not have children in the neglected Chicago School System. The establishment’s propaganda machine continues to roll over the lives, and neighborhoods of the working hands of Chicago in a relentless push towards some still nebulous goal of improving education. How increased class sizes, fewer schools, longer school days, with less and less materials is an improvements is anyone’s guess at this point. There is no discussion whatsoever about the shift of the expense to the parents for improvements to the public school system. In the end it is just another abdication of social responsibility by the wealthy feudal lords of this era.


A vote was taken Friday night (February 24, 2012) at Occupy Chicago’s General Assembly that has the Occupation Movement in a bit of a twitter (pun intended). To put it succinctly, certain sensitive discussions will not be live streamed out of Occupy Chicago’s loft. The Social Media committee is wholly against this direction, and certain members of Occupy Chicago’s General Assembly as in favor of it. Many say that this vote violates the generally accepted idea of absolute transparency which is part of the Occupation Movement’s ideals.

While not wanting to chime in on one side or the other on this specific vote, it is safe to say it is only an official Occupy Chicago General Assembly decision of what has been practiced thus far. Occupy Chicago has traditionally had a tendency towards keeping dirty laundry out of the public eye. 

When the debates get heated, and they become the quintessential Chicago street discussion (i.e. participates screaming at each other) the stream usually stops. While this is annoying to the remote viewers, it is also pretty much a Midwestern cultural trait. Passions will flair, we will scream, cuss, deride one another, but we do not want it broadcast all over the world. Essentially these are family squabbles, and it is uncouth to air ‘em in public. 

While there is no telling what will come of the scheduled review of the censorship policy, what was decided is nothing new for Occupy Chicago; it is not about secrecy, and is something they will have to work out on their own. 

Upcoming Events 

STOP the Suppression of the Occupy Movement! Tuesday, February 28, 2012 - 4:00pm to 6:00pm

Check out the new Chicago Spring Website for updates on the ongoing struggle to make the citizens' voices heard over the money changers in politics.    

[1] Quinnell, K. (2012, February 24). Serious Energy Workers Occupy Goose Island Factory. In Crooks and Liars. Retrieved February 26, 2012, from
[2] aaroncynic, . (2012, February 24). Déjà Vu: Workers Occupy Former Republic Window And Door Factory. In chicagoist. Retrieved February 26, 2012, from
[3] Jenkins, V. (2012, February 24). Serious and United Electrical Workers Union Come to Agreement. In Serious Energy Blog: Get Serious About Our Buildings. Retrieved February 26, 2012, from
[4] Not in Hibernation. (2012, February 19). In #Occupy: The Chicago Free Web Zone. Retrieved February 26, 2012, from

Not in Hibernation

A number of important events have occurred this past week. There is no real way of ranking them. One is not more important than another. They are indicators of where the nation is heading.

Parents of Piccolo

One was the Parents of Piccolo Occupation of Piccolo Elementary School, 1040 N. Keeler, in Chicago, Illinois in response to Chicago Public Schools threat to fire the school’s current teachers and revamp the schools. This event was important for a number of reasons.

It was a protest staged by the parents and students in support of their school. It is expected that the Teacher’s Union would stage a protest of some sort; it is not status quo for the community to rise up in objection to decrees handed down by the selectmen. The meaning hear is pretty clear. People are getting tired of being pushed around by those who are elected to represent them. They are taking direct action to make their displeasure known.

The Parents of Piccolo[1] are not activists. They are quintessentially people who “want to live their lives within the acceptable norms of the sub-culture in which they were born. They want to assume that the political leadership, while questionable in competence, will not adversely affect them if they keep a low profile.[2]” They are citizens of Humboldt Park.[3] The heavy handed treatment by the CPS (Chicago Public Schools) brought the citizens to action.

From Friday night to Saturday Afternoon there were approximately 15 parents, children, and community activist (Occupy Chicago was there in support of the action) inside the School, and another 50 outside the school camping out. Political math being what it is, they represent roughly 65,000 people. Over the course of 20 hours, risking arrest by the Chicago Police Department, they managed to get the CPS to pay attention to their concerns[4].

The other reason this is important is that it was not an Occupy Chicago event. Members of Occupy Chicago supported the The Parents of Piccolo[5] in their action with technical know-how, and moral support throughout the night. Once again the members of Occupy Chicago proved their heart and heads are in the right place to aid the citizens of Chicago. As you might recall, Occupy Chicago came out in support of Pastor Corey Brooks in support of his Occupation to put an end to community violence.[6]  

A Helping Hand

Another event that received little fanfare is AnonCoOp. In brevity, it is sufficient to say that the much maligned Anonymous is floating an idea to reach out to the community in pragmatic ways.[7]

Both of these events show that the activists of our current era, unlike the misconceptions concerning the majority of Hippies of yesteryear, are actively engaging average people to build community in a spirit of compassion for the well being of the citizens. It doesn’t get any better than this. 

On Clout

As we found out this week, Illinois ranks third in United States in official corruption.[8]  As the Sun-Times article points out, we’ve suspected this all along (it is, yet, another reason that Occupy Chicago exist, and is worth watching). That is not exactly news worth mentioning. Chicago is the third largest city in the United States. It is the capital of Midwest commerce. As such it is also under proportional scrutiny. A city this size requires such scrutiny. We are not exactly a lawless community, but there is a certain free-wheeling, devil-may-care attitude when it comes to legal and ethical proprieties when almost a tenth of the nation’s population is jammed into 234 square miles.[9] Varying, complex, economic, and sociological reasons are well document to explain why the art-of-the-deal out ways legal and regulatory restrictions. All of that is kind of a given. In Chicago is it simply explained as clout.

Mike Royko[10], the famous Chicago journalist, and personal inspiration, explained in Sez Who? Sez Me[11], that “Clout” is not influence. Clout is the ability to move around the laws of the land due to personal influence to achieve a personal goal that is usually not aiding the population at large. So, in spite of the Social Networking gage known as Klout, you may have influence, but if you are not using it to wheel-and-deal with the big boyz to line your own pockets, it is not clout. I am sure Mike would wish that the rest of the world would get the word straight.

On Another View

A video by Anonymous which was passed along from Los Angeles became the inspiration for a number of videos this week. Its point of origin in this Globalized world is Germany.  

Cobbling together some of my own recordings, I produced four one minute video spots in support of the protest which will inevitably come to Chicago the weekend of May 18, 2012. 

Side note and Shop Talk

Mike Royko[12], and his fictional counterpart, Carl Kolchak[13] are my journalistic role models.

As too future issues of, I am going back to weekly installments. There is just too many blogs out that demanding your attention, and I'd prefer not to add to the noise. If you are active in the movement in any way, you life is hectic enough already. 

[1] Piccolo Elementary Specialty School. (n.d.). In Retrieved February 19, 2012, from
[2] Potts, C. A. (2008). Wealth, Women and War (p. 10). Dallas, TX: WordTechs Press.
[3] Humboldt Park, Chicago. (2012, February 17). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 14:28, February 19, 2012, from,_Chicago&oldid=477444138
[4] Trakhtensky, R. (2012, February 18). Piccolo Parents Call Victory After School Occupation. In Occupied Chicago Tribune. Retrieved February 19, 2012, from
[5] Piccolo Elementary Specialty School. (n.d.). In Retrieved February 19, 2012, from
[6] Sunday, Occupy Chicago, South Side Rooftop Reverend Encamp. (2011, December 4). In Chicago I.W.W. . Retrieved February 19, 2012, from
[7] @MissRevolution_, . (2012, February 16). AnonCoOp. In #Occupy: The Chicago Free Web Zone. Retrieved February 19, 2012, from
[8] Janssen, K., & Spielman, F. (2012, February 15). It’s official: Chicago is nation’s corruption capital . In Chicago Sun-Times. Retrieved February 19, 2012, from
[9] Chicago. (2012, February 19). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 16:07, February 19, 2012, from
[10] Mike Royko. (2012, February 11). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 16:13, February 19, 2012, from
[11] No citation given
[12] Mike Royko. (2012, February 11). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 16:13, February 19, 2012, from
[13] Kolchak: The Night Stalker. (2012, February 1). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 16:24, February 19, 2012, from

Parents of Piccolo

As I write this members of the Occupy Chicago Social Media Team are supporting the Parents of Piccolo at Piccolo Elementary School, 1040 N. Keeler, in Chicago. The issue is simple. After years of neglect the Chicago School Board is going to vote to approve dismissing all the teachers. The action was started by a few parents yesterday afternoon at approximately 4:00 PM yesterday (February 17, 2012). With the help of Occupy Chicago, the Parents of Piccolo have release their statement.

Declaration #1 from Piccolo occupation

11:49pm - February 17th, 2012

We, the Piccolo Occupation, are putting our children’s education first. Piccolo has failed because CPS has refused to invest in public education. The school has struggled for years but you have taken out all the programs, classes and opportunities to learn. We have had 3 principals in the last five years. We have not been able to work with anyone on a long-term basis to address the chronic disinvestment in our school. CPS and City Hall have failed us and our children. Your goal is to privatize the education system by giving it to corporations that support the mayor. We have been ignored, you have ignored our children and now you are trying to make money off of them.

The Chicago Public Schools is in violation of its own remediation and probation policy. CPS is in violation of the Illinois School Code and the Illinois Civil Rights Act. CPS is in violation of Illinois Senate Bill 630. Because of this, a moratorium has been introduced in the Illinois Legislative Assembly by the School Facilities Taskforce. 

We are enacting our moratorium for ourselves with this sit-in due to the fact that CPS not once has laid out the necessary corrective action for Brian Piccolo or Paolo Cassals along with the Local School Councils for getting them off of probation during the last five years. The School Improvement Plans for Academic Achievement (SIPAA) at these two schools have lacked the budgetary resources to bridge the achievement gap of our student populations. Further, the SIPAAs along with the budgets at the time of their signings have not had real community input. 

Therefore, these actions could very well be civil rights violations. At the recent CPS hearings, the former principle of Cassals testified that not once in the last five years had CPS met with her nor with the LSC about any of the necessary corrective action for Paola Cassals to be removed off of probation.

Because CPS (Chicago Public Schools) has been not willing to meet with or listen to us, this is what we want:

1) A meeting with Mayor Rahm Emanuel
2) A meeting with at least five of the Chicago School Board members present
3) The removal of Piccolo and Cassals from the turnaround list

The situation is fluid.... 

Parents, Students, Teachers and the Social Media and Streaming team of Occupy Chicago are standing ground under the threat of arrest. I do hope Rahm is so very proud of himself in his sellout of the people of Humboldt Park. 

@OccupieChicago Live Stream.

Update February 14, 2012 4:15 PM CST

After 20 hours of Occupation, the Parents of Piccolo, accompanied by the Occupy Chicago observers, exited the building with a promise from the Chicago School Board of Education to meet with them, and discuss their concerns. No arrest were made.

Good Work, Parents of Piccolo and Occupy Chicago! 


Hello friends, 

     Daily I watch tweets go by, of people I know that have been out of work, or work and still they have no food, need help in someway, or have just given up hope on how to survive because they simply cannot seek out resources. 

About 15 years ago I (Miss Rev) ran a charity, called Santa's Helpers. It was a group of about 50 or so people, and when someone would come to us, because they just needed a help up, we would send care packages, slightly used clothing, and the likes. We would address the box as Santa's Helper. Some would put a mock address on it, some would put their own.
We had gotten pretty big to a point where different denomination of churches and pantries would direct us to people in need. Devised a state by state barter system eventually, for people who did not have the means to make much needed repairs on their homes, or cars.  We got people to help people, not for anything more then, a thank you.  

Well I want to bring this Charity back. On a bigger scale, do it world wide. Now, I don't mean that everyone here has to send out food to people, maybe you could help with resources, or even help finding deals online for your country (coupons, discounts etc) 

The USA gov. has put a lot of restrictions on some of the food pantries here in the USA. One of the bigger ones in my area has now decided you need a letter from social services to be able to go there. Now I happen to know they closed the local social services office here, and you have to travel now 45 minutes to get to an office. Some of these people cannot travel as they have no money for gas or for the bus.  A lot of the pantries have gone to locals only. If you are not living in their town, you cannot go. Alot of food pantries are simply running out of the food needed, and there is now a rise in families, not just single people going to food pantries a week. There is a food pantry here called Project Paul which last year served 600 families a month, now serves 600 a week. Thats staggering when you think about it. To get on food stamps now in USA requires you to be so dirt poor there is no chance of you ever getting off the system, and when you do get a job, and report it, instead of helping you succeed to get off of the system, they cut your food stamps, most just cut their hours or quit their job, as they just cant make it. Viscous circle. 

Im not saying we will change the system, but if we can just simply start helping each other. We can make it. in the USA 1 in 6 families goes without food daily. this means when I look out my door, 4 people on my dead end street are without food each day. 

My idea is as like it was before, build a forum. Forum will be set up into different categories. countries, pantries, outreach, clothing etc. Certain people will be Food pantry people for their country, outreach the same etc. I have built numerous forums (its kind of what I do in my biz as well ) I will get a host for this as well, and have the forums on that instead of not hosted. 
Let me give you an idea, food pantry - when you go out shopping, you pick up extra food, obviously canned items are not the best because of weight, toiletries, simple pleasures like coffee and sugar. 
Outreach can simply be if in your country you happen to know where a good food pantry is, or if you happen to find out your gov granted your utilities some money to help people, you can direct them where they need to call (as i did today for my own country for JCP and L) and was also told that they have not really advertised it, so no one knows (Face Palm) 

Helping people survive should not be rocket science. It breaks my heart the world is in such chaos, that so many are trying to work trying to make a living and cant make it. I know this wont change the world, but I know it may help bring some relief when things can get so stressful. 

Also note, when we ship out packages, we send a letter in the package, asking the people, if they can, to join in the forums. To help out and give back in some way, maybe some skill or knowledge they have. this is the co op of this whole program. Being kind to someone should not ever be an effort. 

2 years ago I went on food stamps. I was in line at the grocery store, and a mom and her daughter were in front of me. They were celebrating her daughters graduation from preschool with strawberry short cake (I'm nosy) She didn't have enough money. She gave the merchandise she couldn't afford back to the girl at check out, paid for what she could, and left, her daughter in tears, and she said, "honey I'm sorry, mommy just doesn't have the money". I bought her items, and had my son run it out to her. 
I didn't do it for any thanks, but this woman came back into the store in tears. she had lost her job, lost her home, and was living in some dive now with her daughter and trying to make the best of it. She hugged me and smiled and said thank you. And couldn't help thinking how wrong this whole situation was. She shouldn't have to cry like that over food. 
I'm no longer on food stamps, because I don't lie to the welfare system and I work odd jobs to make it by, so therefore I don't qualify.

For those of you who don't know I was the creator of Operation Cash Back, one of the biggest money moving projects in the world (moving from big banks to credit unions) the account Your Anon News saw something in my tweet and backed me on it, where I did not think this operation could do anything large scale, it moved mountains (600k people moved money in one month) because the people were behind it. That's what Anon Co Op can do as well. 

SO, that is it in a nutshell. We need to help each other, its simple. 
In the next 2 weeks I will be building forums, finding hosting and organizing people into what you can do, and yes everyone here can help, even if its just being a spokesperson on twitter to get the word out. If you never thought you could be part of one of the biggest movements in history (Anonymous) well now is your time to shine. This is a world wide humanitarian effort that can only be successful with your help 

Much love,
Miss Rev

Take a Cue from Rahm?

There are those who think that Rahm is stocking up on pepper spray, tear gas, and rubber bullets. Others think that is nonsense. One has said this is Chicago; we don’t do things like that. It was reported today (February 14, 2012) that:

Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s administration has awarded a $193,461 emergency contract to Colorado-based Super Seer Corp. for the purchase of 3,057 new and improved shields to be used by officers on the front lines during the May 19-21 summits at McCormick Place.[1]

I would strongly suggest that anyone participating in the NATO or G8 summit protest take a cue from Rahm. Prepare to protect yourself. Here are a few suggestions and sources
  • Amazon: Gas Mask
  • Amazon: Extra filters
  • Amazon: Gas Mask Field Bags and Kits
  • Amazon: Body Armor
  • Amazon: Helmet
Since this is the direction that the Chicago Police Department is heading it is probably best to get ready for the same from them. 

There is no rational point in preparing to wage an aggressive, offensive action against the Chicago Police Department. They are not the enemy. As a matter of fact if they were not so paranoid, I’d say give ‘em a hug. 

However, personal protection gear is not a budget breaker if bough a piece at a time, and it may come in handy at some point in the next decade … if not this May in Chicago. 

My son is ex-Navy. How ex? He just got out this past June. We were talking about preparation for Gas attacks today. His take was simple. Preparation for Gas attacks is only useful if you are doing the attacking. As the target of a gas attack you will have about 15 seconds to get the mask and CBN gloves on. It takes 45 seconds to get that gear on. That leaves you exposed for 30 seconds. And that is long enough to feel the effects. So what to do? He suggested wet face bandana if they are deploying Tear Gas. My suggestion? Put on the mask before you hit the street but, that may not be practical. 

On that note, however, the Chicago Police Department has said they do not want to use Tear Gas on the NATO/G8 protestors this coming May[2]. Are they trustworthy? Yes. And, No. That may be their best intentions, but situations may get escalated. Based on tweets coming out of the General Assembly at the House at Congress Square this evening (February 15, 2012), Occupy Chicago still insist that they are a non-violent community. I’ve watch them long enough to conclude that to be true. We can only hope that those who come to Chicago to protest take their cue from Occupy Chicago.

With that in mind, the best suggestion yet is: bring a camera. 

[1] Spielman, F. (2012, February 14). City buys face shields to protect cops from G-8 protesters . In Chicago Sun-Times. Retrieved February 14, 2012, from
[2] Bergen, K., & Coen, J. (2012, February 15). Business leaders brace for G-8, NATO. In Chicago Tribune: Chicagoland. Retrieved February 16, 2012, from,0,3972510.story

An Alternative to the Judicial System

This is specifically in response to a query posed by a member of the Occupation. The idea is to look for an alternative to the Anglo American Judicial system which has its roots in a secular version of Roman and Christian traditions. 

For the sake of this discussion it would be best to have a quick review of the roots of the current Anglo American system. Again I cite from my work in 2007[1].

Crime by definition, until the 1700s, was seen as a result of “evil” or a rebellion against God (or the Gods), or a rebellion against the cultural expression of the common good as personified in the codified expression of a given religious deity. Take your pick. This demonic perspective was overturned during the Age of Enlightenment. The work of Cesare Beccaria published in Italy in 1764 is the best known dissertation on what is now known as classical criminology.[2]
The essential ideas are quite simple. Individuals are rational beings who pursue their own interest, trying to maximize their pleasure and minimize their pain. And unless they are deterred by the threat of swift, certain, and appropriately severe punishment, they may commit crimes or harm others in their pursuit of self interest.[3] The objective of the enlightened classical approach is deterrence.

The current cultural dynamic within the popular dialogue is a mish-mash of the demonic perspective and the enlightened classical criminology. The resurgence of religion in the body politic, due largely to the efforts of the late Rev. Jerry Falwell, has altered the view of the mass of humanity. The phrase “rational” has been replaced, in all practical purposes, with the phrase “sinful.” Mind you, within the religious framework such concepts as justice, mercy, charity, and forgiveness are forgotten. When objections are raised to this neo-classical demonic perspective, the religious roots of the current philosophy are swiftly covered up.[4]
The primary change in today’s environment is due largely to the popular rejection of science and the scientific approach. From the late 1800s to the mid-1960s, science was the religion of the masses. However, as the culture moved forward, a perception emerged that human rational problem solving and scientific observation, and the policies created to address social challenges, were flawed. Science could not address the counter culture of the late 1960s, or the cultural chaos that arose from it. Some maintain that science, and rational thought, was the root cause of the of the counter culture movement. Moreover, science seemed to be supporting cultural chaos. Science gave us speed, LSD, PCB, crack, methamphetamine, and only God could counteract the effects of addiction. This led to the rise of “saved” sinners, and dried out drunks[5] who engaged the debate on law and punishment from a perspective that all people are criminals at heart, they are wicked, they are evil, and all deserve to suffer. Moreover, they maintain that people should suffer to purge their souls so they can have communion with God. 

The popular misconception of the counter culture is that the radicals of the era were not properly indoctrinated into the broader morals of the U.S. culture. This is a myth. The 20-ish rebels of the 1960s and 1970s grew up with some form of school prayer, and the mandatory Pledge of Allegiance. They sited by rote, “… one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”[6] The cause of the counter culture of the 1960s was not in God being taken out of the schools, but in a deeper disturbance resulting from the Cold War. Do not misconstrue this as condemnation of individual faith or religious observance. Religion has been known to inspire greatness and great thought, however, when applied at the mass cultural level, responding to the lowest common denominator, great acts of charity as an expression of religion gets lost. 

From an individual religious perspective this is all fine and good; the addictive substance is replaced with a dependence on a spiritual being. However, it is a poor replacement for observable, scientific cause and effect. Moreover, as harsh as this may seem, the doctrine of popular Protestant Calvinistic Christianity tends to negate personal responsibility for one’s actions by placing all criminal and harmful actions “under the blood of Jesus.” The individual, once becoming a Christian, is not likely to address their own faults in depth, and can minimize any guilt response for the actions they commit (this process is called neutralization). This arrogance of perfection, goes so far as to say, in the words of a local pastor broadcast on KCLE out of Cleburne, Texas on July 4th some years ago, “Christians are sinless because of Jesus!”  

The situation in the 1700s has similarities to what we have today. Again quoting Criminological Theory: Past to Present by Francis T. Cullen and Robert Agnew:

Laws in the 1700s were frequently vague and open to interpretation. Judges, who held great power, would often interpret these laws to suite their own purposes. So punishment for a particular crime might vary widely, with some people receiving severe penalties and others not being punished at all. Poor people, who could not afford to bribe the judges, were at a special disadvantage. Further, the punishments for many crimes were quite harsh, often involving torture and death.[7]

So … what is different today?

Judges still interpret laws based on the perceived need of the society in a given era. Punishments are still at the discretion of the judges. While the blight of bribery has diminished somewhat in today’s legal system, it has been replaced by the need for expensive attorneys.

Having established the basis of our current system, it is sufficient to say that we need to revisit a system based on clearly understood principles of psychology, sociology, and criminology. First, coercion is detrimental, and is a primary cause of criminal behavior. Coercion includes official indifference to the welfare of others. This can be seen in Mark Colvin’s 2000 study in Crime and Coercion. Second, to achieve socially acceptable goals, people will use socially acceptable means only as long as the means allow them to achieve the goals. This is the thumbnail definition from Merton Work on Crime and Anomie (lawlessness). It is also referred to as Social Strain Theory.[8] People are motivated to achieve a solid social bond when other needs, primarily the fear of loss is quelled, and love and belonging is addressed.[9]
Most of what we see, and hear, in the popular approaches to Justice does not take these factors into account. Even within the Occupation there is a propensity to a simplistic view of action and reaction. This is essentially the One-Size-Fits-All approach applied by the oligarchy to the masses. It is the main reason that we have so many people (more than at any point in the history of our nation even when seen as a percentage of the total population) in under court control today. 

The following suggestions are loosely based on principals of the Talmud, the French Judicial system, Heinlein’s writings about Coventry, and an anthropological understanding of 12th Century Druidic tribal practices. It is at best a skeleton.

  • No who is accused of a crime is allowed to confess to that crime.
  • If a crime is not witnessed by three people it did not happen (witness can include evidence gathered through forensic science and investigation).
  • No crime has been committed unless it causes physical harm, or financial loss; uttering angry words do not constitute a criminal act.
  • The accused shall appear before a tribunal consisting of three people who have advanced training psychology, sociology, and related social sciences, and two other citizens drawn by lottery to aid in the commonsense of the situation.  
  • The goal of the tribunal is to discover what has occurred, then who is responsible for what occurred; the primary objective of the tribunal is truth, not winning or losing in a civilized variation of trial by combat.
  • Once truth is discovered, the tribunal shall give the accused a number of options to address the wayward behavior. One of which is his or her choice to leave the group for a determined amount of time. Other options can include therapy and/or restitution.
  • All proceedings in such matters are public, and can be attended by any member of the group at large. However, the process is not subject to the consensus process used in the General Assembly at large.

[1] Potts, C. A. (2008). Wealth, Women and War (pp. 62-65). Dallas, TX: WordTechs Press.
[2] Cullen, F., & Agnew, R. (2006). Criminological Theory: Past to Present (2nd ed.). New York: Roxbury Publishing Company, p 15.
[3] Cullen, F., & Agnew, R. (2006). Criminological Theory: Past to Present (2nd ed.). New York: Roxbury Publishing Company, p 15.
[4] largely due to the separation of church and state prescribed within the words of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States which states: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof …
[5] “Dry drunk, [or dried out drunk]” according to Wikipedia, “is a term used, often disparagingly, by members of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and by substance abuse counselors who subscribe to the AA theory of alcoholism to describe the recovering alcoholic who is no longer drinking but whose thought processes are considered to continue to be distorted by the thought patterns of addiction.”
[6] Pledge of Allegiance. (2008, June 18). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 03:49, June 18, 2008, from
[7] Cullen, F., & Agnew, R. (2006). Criminological Theory: Past to Present (2nd ed.). New York: Roxbury Publishing Company.
[8] A Step Closer to Civil War? . (2011, December 4). In #Occupy: The Chicago Free Web Zone. Retrieved February 13, 2012, from
[9] Maslow's hierarchy of needs. (2012, February 9). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 04:04, February 14, 2012, from

The Chicago Principles

Last night Occupy Chicago’s General Assembly (#OChiGA) voted on the Chicago Principles[1]. You might recall that these were a topic of criticism and scorn from the opposition. I noted this late last month when I looked at some propaganda coming from the 1%er wannabes[2]. The Chicago Principles represent a mile marker in the planned occupation, and protest, surrounding the NATO and G8 summits in Chicago, Illinois. 

The two summits will converge on Chicago from May 18, 2012 to May 21, 2012[3]. Chicago’s Mayor, Rahm Emanuel[4], has passed draconian measures to limit free speech and protest in Chicago[5]. The city sees it as an opportunity to display Chicago for the world to see, and they don’t want some dirty, disenfranchised, long haired, tattooed, malcontents (which is how #OccupyChi is seen by the local establishment – even if it is a misinformed assessment) mucking up their plans.

Into this mix there is AdBusters, the electronic magazine out of Canada which has been given far too much credit for Occupy Wall Street. AdBusters[6], has invited 50,000 Culturejammers to converge on Chicago[7] starting on May 1, 2012. In doing so, they evoked images of the 1968 Democratic National Convention[8]

Due in no small part to the Police response to Occupy Oakland[9], there is a discussion going on within the #Occupation about the use of Black Block (Anarchist property damage) tactics. On one hand there is the majority calling the Black Block a Cancer[10]. Opposing that is a rational minority pointing out that Diversity of Tactics was within the framework of Occupy Wall Street before it stepped off on September 17, 2011[11]

The Chicago Principles[12] are Occupy Chicago’s response to the world converging on the city this May. 

Chicago 1968

I was 10 in 1968. My father was working on earth moving equipment in Cerro-De-Pasco, Peru. My mon and one of my sisters and I moved with him on November 1, 1967. The promises of the job did not pan out. Six months later he moved us out of harm’s way. The job, and the politics of the region, was becoming unstable.

We moved from Las Banos, California[13], to Cerro-De-Pasco, Peru[14], to Bakersfield, California[15], to Wheatland, California[16], and eventually settled in Chicago, Illinois over the course of seven months. While my Dad was still in Peru, my Mom moved us to where her family was because she thought she was dying. As it turned out she was suffering from severe, and untreated, altitude sickness.

By the summer of 1968 we finally had an apartment of our own. The Democratic National Convention of 1968 was my introduction to Chicago style politics. 

The images that flashed across the Television screen late that summer did nothing to inspire me to activism (that came much later after I actually read the Gospels of Jesus Christ). The images that flashed across the screen left me feeling terrified. I was frightened for my sister (who was in High School, and nowhere near Grant Park or the Convention Center – but, as I said, I was 10 and did not realize it). I was frightened for my newly (and somewhat unwillingly) adopted city. And I was terrified that the violence that was shown was going to spill out across my front yard. That is the message delivered, in Black and White, on a Sears Television, with Rabbit Ears, in a basement apartment on West Argyle Street across from Roberts Square Park. 

Was that really what Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, David Dellinger, Tom Hayden, Rennie Davis, John Froines, Lee Weiner, and Bobby Seale had in mind? Did they intend to terrorize a ten year old boy some ten miles from their epicenter? Somehow I don’t think so. However, that is often the afterimage of the street protest anywhere in the world.

I was not inspired to activism by the Chicago 7[17]. I was inspired by Jesus Christ when I found out that he was not Santa Clause, but a man (and maybe more) who gave up all he had for the welfare of others. He is still my inspiration. It is the work that Jesus started which I seek to continue as best as I can.

Black Block Tactics

Chris Hedges is a respected journalist with a legitimate master’s of divinity. He is what I aspired to be, but never had the connections or the resources to achieve the high goals. I have nothing but respect for his achievements and additions to the collective knowledge of the universe. However, I do take umbrage to his assessment of the Black Block (I am still reading at his long article on it). I have to ask, “What did Jesus do?”
And the Jews' passover was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. And found in the temple those that sold oxen and sheep and doves, and the changers of money sitting: And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers' money, and overthrew the tables. (John 2:13-15).

In my opinion, that direct action looks pretty much like a Black Block tactic. Hedges may not like it, but there it sits. Some 2,012 years after the fact we have a pretty good idea what is allowable … even within mainstream Christianity.

[1] Chicago Principles. (2012, February 11). In capricious yet constant, like the sea.. Retrieved February 12, 2012, from
[2] Truth Was the First Causality . (2012, January 29). In #Occupy The Chicago Free Web Zone. Retrieved February 12, 2012, from
[3] G8 NATO Summit Chicago 2012. (n.d.). In World Business Chicago . Retrieved February 12, 2012, from
[4] Lennard, N. (2012, January 31). Rahm’s Chicago crackdown aims at Occupy . In Salon. Retrieved February 12, 2012, from
[5] Rahm’s “Sit Down and Shut Up” Laws . (2012, February 5). In #Occupy The Chicago Free Web Zone. Retrieved February 12, 2012, from
[6] Tactical Briefing #25: Showdown in Chicago. (2012, January 25). In AdBusters. Retrieved February 12, 2012, from
[7] NATO, G8 In Chicago: Adbusters Puts Out Call For 50,000 To Protest Summits (VIDEO) . (2012, January 27). In Huff Post Chicago . Retrieved February 12, 2012, from
[8] 1968 Democratic National Convention. (2012, February 3). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 16:24, February 12, 2012, from
[9] Truth Was the First Causality . (2012, January 29). In #Occupy The Chicago Free Web Zone. Retrieved February 12, 2012, from
[10] Hedges, C. (2012, February 6). The Cancer in Occupy. In truthdig. Retrieved February 12, 2012, from
[11] Graeber, D. (2012, February 9). Concerning the Violent Peace-Police: An Open Letter to Chris Hedges. In n+1. Retrieved February 12, 2012, from
[12] Chicago Principles. (2012, February 11). In capricious yet constant, like the sea.. Retrieved February 12, 2012, from
[13] Los Banos, California. (2012, January 28). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 16:33, February 12, 2012, from,_California&oldid=473756749
[14] Cerro de Pasco. (2012, January 10). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 16:35, February 12, 2012, from
[15] Bakersfield, California. (2012, February 5). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 16:37, February 12, 2012, from,_California&oldid=475180394
[16] Wheatland, California. (2012, January 14). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 16:37, February 12, 2012, from,_California&oldid=471376060
[17] Chicago Seven. (2012, January 31). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 17:54, February 12, 2012, from

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