Bless the Burdened Businessman?

Rev Jerry Falwell[1] lambasted unions with his trademark bombastic prose. Rev. Falwell is quoted as saying, “Labor unions should study and read the Bible instead of asking for more money. When people get right with God, they are better workers.”
Rev. Falwell became a Christian in his college days, and then went onto seminary. From seminary, he went on to found the Thomas Roads Baptist Church. He knows exactly how to play the audience, and he has made that church grow from a few staunch supporters to thousands. He has not worked as a tradesman in any fashion in his adult life. Yet, he thinks himself capable of dictating terms to the labor movement.
What does the bible say concerning labor relations?

Thou shalt not defraud thy neighbour, neither rob him: the wages of him that is hired shall not abide with thee all night until the morning[2]. Thou shalt not oppress an hired servant that is poor and needy, whether he be of thy brethren, or of thy strangers that are in thy land within thy gates.[3]

Do we ever hear these words from Rev Falwell? Do we hear him stand up for the employees whose jobs are sent overseas? Do we here him support those who lose income to the games of the multi-national corporations. Wal-Mart increases it profits by 60% and the employees lose benefits and wages. Do we hear anything about that from Rev. Falwell? Do we hear Rev. Falwell, Rev. Robertson, or the copious preachers on the Right standing up for the migrant worker? No, we don’t.
We don’t see him standing up for the workers who have lost so much during the Bush years. I cannot tell you why. Only the Religious Right can. They, however, are keeping to the party line. They are parrots mimicking the dogmatic chant of the stalwarts of the Republican party. It has long been the message of the Republicans that business is best for America and that the employees need to knuckle under to the demands of the corporate executives. At the risk of redundancy, Rev Falwel1’s message is not from God’s word, but from the Republican playbook.
Compare that to the statements made by Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin:

Experience declares that man is the only animal which devours his own kind; for I can apply no milder term to the governments of Europe, and the general pray of the rich on the poor. -- Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Colonel Edward Carrington, January 16, 1778

When men are employed, they are best content; for on the days they worked they were good-natured and cheerful, and, with the consciousness of having done a good day’s work, they spent the evening jollily; but on our idle days they were mutinous and quarrelsome. --Benjamin Franklin, Autobiography, 1731-1759

Perhaps the key to keeping good employees is to keep them busy at tasks that suit them and give them a sense of accomplishment. One can but wonder at the senselessness of the work environment of today. Under the Bush administration and the powers of today’s corrupt corporations, all that matters are politics and pushing paper. I have to assume that such realities are of little value to Rev. Falwell. I also have to assume in this age of revisionist history that most of the people of the United States have not read the good Dr. Franklin’s words. However, Dr. Franklin worked for a living. His stock and trade was a printer. He knew what was necessary to keep the workers motivated. It was not just words. Furthermore, I am forced to question Rev. Falwell’s view of Saint Paul’s Instructions. Does Rev. Falwell preach of God, or does he preach to please the members of his congregation? He does seem to have a predisposition towards delivering messages best suited to lay failure at the feet of those least likely to be among his congregation.

Servants, be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as unto Christ; Not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but as the servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart; With good will doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men: Knowing that whatsoever good thing any man doeth, the same shall he receive of the Lord, whether he be bond or free. And, ye masters, do the same things unto them, forbearing threatening: knowing that your Master also is in heaven; neither is there respect of persons with him.[4]

Remember, Corporate Managers, you are but a speck in the universe. Before God, you are owed nothing. Skills you may have. The ability to wheel and deal you may have. In the end, however, the grave still awaits you. This is the shared fate of mortal beings. From the microbe to the Kings of commerce, all fall to become one with the universe. Then what?
In the hour when an individual is brought before the heavenly court for judgment, the person is asked:

Did you conduct your [business] affairs honestly?
Did you set aside regular time for [bible] study?
Did you work at having children?
Did you look forward to the world’s redemption?[5]

Since there is a void in Rev. Falwell’s messages, indulge me the opportunity to insert, for your consideration, a certain teaching of Jesus that is want of expression in the current dialogue. It comes from The Gospel of Thomas, a Gnostic Gospel:[6]
Jesus said, “A certain person was entertaining guests. When dinner was ready, the host sent a servant to invite the guests.
“The servant went to the first one and said, ‘My lord invites you.’
“The guest said, ’Some merchants owe me money, and they are coming to me tonight. I must go to give instructions to them. Please excuse me from dinner.’
“The servant went to another guest and said, ’My lord invites you.’
“The guest said, ‘I have bought a house, and I have been called away for the day. I have no time.’
“The servant went to another guest and said, ‘My lord invites you.’
“The guest said, ‘My friend is to be married, and I must arrange the dinner, so I shall not be able to come. Please excuse me from dinner.’
“The servant went to yet another guest and said, ‘My lord invites you.’
“The guest said, ‘I have bought a farm, and I am going to collect the rent, so I shall not be able to come. Please excuse me.’
“The servant returned and said to the lord, ‘Those whom you invited to dinner have asked to be excused.’
“The lord said to the servant, ‘Go out on the streets, and bring back whomever you find to eat my dinner.’
“Business people and merchants will not enter the realm of My Father.”

Christian Conservatives, the Lord is calling you to dinner; are you coming, or not?

[1] Wikipedia: Jerry Falwell Controversial Remarks,
[2] Leviticus 19:3
[3] Deuteronomy 24:14
[4] Ephesians 6:5-9
[5] Babylonian Talmud, Shabbat 31a; Jewish Wisdom, Rabbi Joseph Telushkin, p.3, Morrow
[6] Gospel of Thomas, Saying 64; The Secret Teachings of Jesus: Four Gnostic Gospels,
Marvin W. Meyer, 31-32, Vintage

No Shots Fired?

During the fiasco of the 2000 election vote counting, I remember seeing a post from a man who said, “This is not a Civil War, there’s no shooting.” I remember that with a wry smile these days. There is no one shooting?
We forget the events outside of Waco where, for right or wrong, the members of the Branch Davidian opened fire on ATF agents.[1] We forget the illegal use of military equipment to quell that civil disturbance.[2] We forget the bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma City.[3] We forget the suspicious downing of flight 800[4] off of Long Island. We forget the Right’s dogging every move of Bill Clinton.[5] We forget Eric Rudolph[6] evading the FBI for years in the Carolinas. We forget the abortion doctors being gunned down in cold blood. One fell in Florida, and one in New York, the latter murder never solved. There is no one shooting?
We forget, also, the perorations and aims of the States Citizens Militias.[7] Often ridiculed as a bunch of guys with their bellies hanging over their belts, these men and women are equally represented by the under-40 crowd who have bought into the myth of a Christian nation which, like England’s Arthurian Camelot, was never as glittering as envisioned in the revisionist history books. Moreover, more often than not, the fundamentalist brought arms to bear against the Constitutional Republic of the United States. There is no one shooting? I think there were plenty of shots fired. We just did not want to admit it.
I think the gentleman in question was referring to no shots being fired in Florida during the confusion on the recount and the insuring conservative street protest. It was funny to see people older than I am, the last hurrah of the 1960s crowd, shouting for the cameras again. He was right; there was no shooting then. We got “hanging chad” reports and not a word about the tens of thousands of disenfranchised voters who, mostly African-American, were falsely accused of being convicted criminals and as such denied their right to vote.
Nope, no one was shooting as the court challenges dragged on. Nope, the GOP played it out and manipulated the system to gain the White House, but there was no shooting. No, the GOP gained power in a bloodless coup.
This is not a radical accusation from the Left. Lost in the hysteria in the aftermath of the attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001, an independent report was released that showed that Al Gore may have won the election in Florida,[8] and that Mr. Bush’s first presidency was illegitimate. This only reinforces the fact that it is supposed to be the House of Representatives, not the Supreme Court, that settles undecided elections. Why should that small detail in the Constitution get in the way of a power grab?
The 2004 victory, by a whopping 50.7% of the vote,[9] is hardly a mandate in any book. The Right again called on the influence of the religious block to produce some extra four million votes for Mr. Bush. Again, there was questionable balloting, long lines, and possible manipulation and disenfranchising of the voting public. This time it was in Ohio. Bush won by as little as three million votes. This was predicted by, in the name of God, Pat Robertson, the one-time candidate for president and the founder of the virtually defunct Christian Coalition. Was Mr. Robertson’s prediction a revelation from God, or insider information about the election based on knowing what manipulation were going on?
If one accepts fact, then one can congratulate the Right’s seizing the Constitutional Government of the United States without bloodshed. However, after 2008, can they hold it? If they can’t, than what are they going to do? Are we going back to the street warfare that was slowly breaking out from 1992 to 2000?

[1] Wikipedia: Branch Davidian,
[2] Wikipedia: Waco Siege, Allegations about a cover-up,
[3] Wikipedia: Oklahoma City bombing,
[4] Wikipedia: TWA Flight 800,
[5] Wikipedia: Bill Clinton, Investigation, impeachment, and controversies,
[6] Wikipedia: Eric Robert Rudolph,
[7] Militia Watchdog Archives,
[8] Wikipedia: United States presidential election, 2000, Media post-electoral studies/recounts,
[9] American Theocracy, Kevin Phillips, 133, 247, 278, 373, 390, 391, 392

CSA Religion

I live in the South. I am a Texan. If George W. Bush can say that, so can I. Like him, I was not born here. Like him, I am now aligned with this state for as long as I remain here. More so, on my father’s side of the family, my roots go back to the Indian Territory (now Oklahoma). I have ancestors who rode with Quantrill[1] and Bloody Bill Anderson.[2] As such, I am not talking with disrespect towards the South. I am part of the South. Living in Texas returns the family line to its historical roots. I respect my southern ancestors, but the war is over. I am specifically, therefore, addressing one aspect that was designed specifically to overrun the North, the Union, dating back to 1845.
Let’s not get carried away with some spy verses spy conspiracy theories. This is no conspiracy. This has been in the open playbook for the last 161 years. What is showing is the exact design and distinction of the Southern Baptist Conference since its inception.
The last conversation I had with a "Fundy" (Fundamentalist) was shortly after my mom's passing (February 10, 2006). I sent her a copy of a rough draft of the chapter in Radicals, Religion and Revelation called "Death and Life." I made the mistake of thinking she was interested (this of course was on the web and I never met the person). She proceeded to tell me I was "talking out my ass" because I mentioned, in a general way, “purgatory”.
Thinking that my memory from CCD may have faded with time, I went to the New Advent Encyclopedia[3] and proceeded to look up “purgatory.”
What I had said was that loved ones pray the departed’s soul into heaven. It turns out that it is the Bishops who do the praying at the request of the loved ones, on behalf of the soul, which passed over. This is Catholic dogma; I consider it general information. However, if it gives the survivors comfort, so be it. The same holds true concerning the Mourners Kaddish of the Jewish tradition. The chapter, however, was about my experience with my mom’s passing. It was not a deep discussion of dogma. However, the "Fundy" took offense to the mention of purgatory, and decided to berate me. Now here is the real rub.
I quoted the first paragraph of the information from the Catholic Encyclopedia, and she still said I was talking without knowledge. She further berated me for not knowing the original Greek and Hebrew, and for using quotes from the King James Bible (as you know I use the AV because it is Royalty Free and I don't have to be concerned about someone coming after me for violating their copyright).
That does bring up some interesting challenges:
First, if the working of God is timeless and universal, why should anyone learn two archaic languages? One, ancient Greek, is no longer spoken (the Greek of the NT times is about as close to Greek today as Chaucer is to American English, maybe even less). The other, Hebrew, was, for the most part, dead until 1948 (Hebrew today has the same relationship to Hebrew of antiquity -- and I have taken classes in it. I could speak a little Hebrew at one time, but have forgotten most of it.) The use of Greek in the NT is more than a little odd; why was Greek used? Latin was the language of the Roman Empire. As for the masses in Galatia, they spoke a variation of the Celtic language. I could understand Aramaic writing for some of the churches in the Mediterranean, but not Greek and not to the Galatians.
Second, if they have a universal God, or a universal understanding of God, how is it that I have to look into documents that are thousands of years old to see what he is doing today? It is a dogma of the institutional religions that dictate this. It is not a dogma that I adhere to. If God is alive, then it would stand to reason that he is able to reach a person where he is. This is not to say the scriptures have no value. Their value is knowing what the founders thought and what they saw within their finite lifetimes.
Third, all spiritual knowledge is subjective; it is based on the perceptions and perceptive capability of the individual. Some people are attuned more to the spiritual, and some are less. Even Paul wrote that we see in a glass (or mirror) darkly. Not all things we see or perceive on this side of life are clear.
I freely admit that even my knowledge about God is subjective. What I have an issue with is the concept that my knowledge has to conform to the knowledge of everyone else.
This is a form of groupthink, and group manipulation, for the sake of an agenda that is not specifically of God or good. We see that in the history of the SBC/CSA secular documentation. It has been whitewashed (no pun intended) because the CSA did not want the northern brothers to know their agenda and come to terms with the atrocity of the ownership of slaves as property in the U.S.
Members of the SBC believe that they are sinless because they have Jesus. This is a belief that cannot be supported in their scriptures. Sinless is to be perfect, and beyond all human questioning or responsibility to the society as a whole, Godlike, or equal to God. This feeling of equality with God pretty much explains the nonsense that has been occurring in the U.S. since 2001 when the Neo-Conservatives took over the United States of America.
I realize within this discussion I am comparing apples to oranges, but the since the days of Falwell's Moral Majority and the acceptance of the Catholic body into the Right's religious discussions, the CSA has influenced the American Catholic mindset. Many now share a rabid inability to view questions without becoming highly belligerent. Usually, I can ignore the belligerence, and not let them get to me. However, this time was a bit different.
Since I was still reeling emotionally from having buried my mother, I was not in the mood for such discussions. Nor was I in the mood to defend my position or myself. I did send her back the quote on purgatory and the link. That, however, was not good enough for her. She told me I was being too literal and sent me a couple of quotes from American Catholic sites.[4] Truth is, she had issues with the dogma and doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church, but I did not think that deeply into her motivations; she wanted a fight and I gave her one.
I think my response was something akin to, "I am not interested in the writings of the Christian Church; as far as I am concerned the Christian Church should be driven back into the catacombs and graveyards from which it crawled."
My retort was pure bull, but I gave her what she wanted: a reason to hate me. No one ever accused me of fighting fair (shades of “Bloody Bill” there). Like I said, sometimes I can sound like Rev. Robertson (open mouth, figuratively speaking, and insert foot).
This is, however, a truth of the conflict that I see coming. I have no issues with Jesus, or with the concept of a Christ (a spiritual hero who can do in the spiritual realm what we, trapped for here and now in the physical and temporal realm, cannot do for ourselves). If nothing else, Jesus has been a friend of mine for as long as I can remember.
My issue is that the SBC/CSA is Christianizing the U.S. in such a way that is does not reflect anything that I have ever seen from Jesus (in the Greek and Hebrew) included in the authorized Gospels or the Gnostic Gospels.
The CSA/SBC agenda is the destruction of the Federal Union by means of religion, destroying the social fabric that brings us together. I think most people are woefully unaware of the history of the nation, or understand that our history has been replaced by their myth. Their myth has one purpose. If this was in any arena other than religion, it would be treason.
The Liberal Establishment (if there is one), the Northern Elite, and educated leaders discounted religion back in the early 1960s. Right now it is the blind spot that prevents our core leadership from seeing what is happening. The threat is not out there in Islam. It is here in the religious expressions co-opted and manipulated by the survivors of the CSA.
Future research may vindicate the SBC (Southern Baptist Convention) and all of their spin -offs, but I am not so sure. As stated, the SBC was formed in direct opposition to the abolition movement in the North in the 1845, and became the primary sanctuary for the surviving CSA leadership after 1865. Since reconstruction never did address the crimes of the CSA military leadership, and they were allowed to conspire to preserve as much of their social culture as they could (within the framework of the Federal Union's Control), they created a religious expression which sanctified them under the blessing of their God. They preserved the way of life which they adopted; a way of life that is far less cultured than what we have come to expect as a progression in our human understanding (call it evolution, if you wish). The best way to preserve an ideal is to incorporate it into a religion which cannot be questioned, then teach it to others. Over time, if unchecked by rational discussion (and rational discussion is an oxymoron in most religions), it can become a pervasive cultural dictate. In the post Civil Rights era, we have forgotten just what the Confederacy was.  
It cannot be overlooked that Rev. Jerry Falwell was a staunch segregationist.[5] I am unsure of his repentance in this matter.[6] His version of SBC/CSA is a religion of cast, place, status, wealth, and subservient submission to economic masters. Paul, himself, warned against this. James speaks specifically against this. Jesus taught against this; both in the authorized Gospels and the Gnostic Gospels. Yet, it is the predominant expression of Christianity in the U.S. today. The neo-conservative Right, in the name of God, strips us of our ability to resist by creating a substandard service-based economy and inflicts upon us perpetual impoverishment and subjugation.
It cannot be a coincidence that the North's manufacturing capability has been all but destroyed in each successive neo-conservative Right assent to power since 1976. According to the “Southern Myth” of the CSA/SBC, the South only lost the Civil War because of the superior manufacturing capability of the North. This is a myth.
It has been successfully argued that the South had both the inventive and manufacturing capability to sustain a four-year war against the Union forces. Remember, please, the South invented the first warfare submarine[7] (even prior to the H.L. Hunley[8]), and the first iron clad warship (the Merrimac or better known as the CSS Virginia).[9]
Even today, 141 years after the war, some seven-and-a-half generations after the Civil War, it is still referred to by Southerners as The War Between the States and/or The War of Northern Aggression. While those of us who were not raised in the South tend to chuckle, and at times smirk, over this distinction, we have to seriously look at the connotations of those words.
To call that war a Civil War communicates a rebellion by one side against the other. To call it The War Between the States carries a connotation of equal belligerency; it negates the rebellion of the Southern States against the legally elected government of Washington, D.C. To call it The War of Northern Aggression nullifies any responsibility of the South for its treason. There are people in the South today, who still fly the Stars and Bars as a sign of rebellion against the Union victory. There are people who question the validity of the Union’s victory. There are people who even question the validity of the admission of Texas into the Union in 1870.[10]
The Civil War still is being contested in the hearts and minds of many Southerners. When one studies the Civil War, great attention is given to the battles fought, but far less is given to the politics and the motivations of the era. This is so true that contemporary historians have a hard time understanding why the war occurred. Again, we underestimate the religious expressions and aspects of the Civil War. As I have come to study causality, I am beginning to conclude that this war was more about whose view of God was correct; effectively a religious war. Over 141 years later, that unquestioning religious fire has not gone out. If nothing else, it gets hotter in the coals. What I see in history is that the South, by the nature of the Confederate ideal (individualism), could not succeed in building a nation. They acted much the same way we see the nation today: Every-Man-for-Himself. This commonly is called Social Darwinism, and it is ironic that it comes from the soul of those who oppose the Darwinian teachings of evolution.
It would take more exploration than I can do here to document all the policy and political errors of the Confederates, but a simple example of the Confederate’s ingrained incompetence is Lee's decision to engage the federal forces at Gettysburg. To make the argument succinct, he was under orders to take Washington, D.C., not wander the countryside of Pennsylvania (I am being a bit flippant with that statement, but it is sufficient to say that Lee, as well loved as he may have been, could not take orders.)
However, don't think this was just a Confederate issue; I have seen, but cannot duplicate for you here, computer models of events which have shown that the North, based as they were on April 12, 1861, could have subdued the Confederate Rebellion in six months. I suspect that the Federal Government underestimated, again, the religious motivations of the Gospel of Individualism that was at the core of the Confederate cause. What happened instead was this:

From April 12, 1861, to April 9, 1865, three million Americans fought in over 10,000 battles and skirmishes in the north and south of America. More than 620,000 soldiers died. Never before, or since, have Americans fought Americans in formalized war.[11]

If the religion of the South was tainted before the Civil War, it has gotten worse, with the adoption of the Second Coming theosophy that came into existence in the 1830s. While I will not delve into that in depth here, the Rapture theosophy negates the instructions of Jesus Christ in Matthew 13.
Speaking of good and evil, Jesus said (presuming one accepts this as legitimate teachings, and I do - it fits ideas and ideals of other religions and other spiritual expressions): 

But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.

What the CSA/SBC wants to do is play God and uproot everything because God will rescue them; that is not the case.
Even if there is a God, even if the God of the Bible is God, He said he would not destroy the world to rid it of evil. Moreover, going back to the words of Jefferson, it is not the legitimate goal of our government.
That is the opinion that the neo-conservative Right is now dictating as policy for the nation based on their religious view of the world.
It is a view that embraces the destruction of anyone that is not submissive to their religious view. This is not unlike Nazi Germany, and that form of nationalism led to more than 55 million dead,[12] an untold number of life-long injuries, and billions of "dollars" in property damage. All of this under the battle cries of "God is on our side." As the now famous Nazi belt buckle proclaimed “Gott Mit Uns (God With Us).”[13]
Once again, we hear it in the neo-conservative Right speeches coming from the SBC in the U.S. We are heading for a clash of historic proportions and it cannot be ignored. The Fundamental religion, which has spread via the Southern Baptists, wants to destroy everyone who they think is spiritually inferior.
Now it is from God’s hand that they seek the destruction of others. How long will it be before they grow tired of waiting upon God and decide to unleash some form of Religion Police upon the people of the United States to detain those who hold different views?

[1] Wikipedia, Quantrill's Raiders,; Wikipedia, William Clarke Quantrill,
[2] Wikipedia, William T. Anderson a.k.a "Bloody Bill",; I am not sure that such a pedigree is something to brag about. It is simply a story of the family linage that has come down through oral history.
[3] Purgatory, New Advent Catholic Encyclopedia,
[4] Catechism Quiz— Purgatory, Friar Jim Van Vurst, O.F.M.,
Purgatory and Praying for the Dead, Father Pat McCloskey,
[5] Wikipedia, Jerry Falwell: Social and political views,
[6], We shall overcome ... liberals,
[7] Confederate Submarine, Formation of the Confederacy,
[8] H. L. Hunley, Formation of the Confederacy,
[9] CSS Virginia Home Page, Mabry Tyson and Martha H. Tyson,
[10] Republic of Texas,
[11] Utah Education network,; Many of the fatalities of the Civil War did not occur in battle; they happened due to “Camp Illness” and harsh living condition of the massed men who knew nothing of sanitation or hygiene, this in conjunction with septic shock following field surgery accounts for the majority of the deaths associated with the Civil War. 
[12] Wikipedia: World War II casualties,;
Wikipedia: Casualties, civilian impact, and atrocities,
[13] Herman, D. (2003, May 5). Achtung! Are We the New Nazis?: Soldiers, God and Empire. Retrieved November 20, 2007, from

Southern Baptist Connections

Kevin Phillips’ American Theocracy addresses the issue of fundamental religion in the United States. He draws from the nation’s unvarnished history and brings the arguments forward to today’s headlines. Phillips makes a strong argument that the culture supports the religion which best drives its political aspiration. There is no mistaking this. The Southern Baptist Convention still proudly puts forth distinctions that arose from a division that occurred in the Baptist Church in 1845. The primary issue was “Southern Uniqueness” (read that as the ownership of African-Americans as chattel). It was not that the northern church had taken a stance on abolition; it was ambivalent on the issue. It was that the South suspected that the northern wing would support abolition. Institutional slavery was already dying in the South.[1] One has to wonder what would have happened if reason had overcome fear and suspicion and the two sides of the church had remained one.
As the southern denomination grew in objection to the northern Christian efforts during Reconstruction, it became the refuge of the old Confederacy. It existed as a monument to the Confederate ideals, having authored much of the Confederate’s propaganda, theology, and mythology that drove the Civil War, enabled the Klan, and enshrines, as a badge of honor, the rebellion against the Federal Government of the United States of America. As one friend of mine pointed out, it is as if Germany erected shrines and memorials to Adolph Hitler.
As long as Liberals, Progressives, and the northern establishment continue to view the members of the Southern Baptist Convention as illiterate bumpkins, they will never come to terms with the true nature of the seduction that the SBC represents: The Southern Baptist Convention is the old Confederate States of America in religious garb.
The idea that the United States of America is a Christian nation did not come from the founders of the United States. They made it very clear that this was a secular nation. They wanted nothing to do with the patterns of government from which they had escaped. The idea that the United States of America is a Christian nation, or should be a Christian nation, comes directly from the preamble to the Constitution of the Confederate States of America. Their sons and daughters are now pushing that dead agenda onto the public stage once again.

[1] The Civil War, Bruce Catton, American Heritage/Bonanza Books

What Did Jesus Say?

I am often accused of writing anti-Christian propaganda. I don’t. The best, closest description of what I write is anti-institutionalism criticism and analysis. That too may be a misnomer as I am, in truth, questioning what has become of the Baptist Church, just as Jesus called into question the teachings of his own Pharisees brethren (or close cousins). I do firmly question the wisdom of the Baptist traditions and teachings. I do have the gall to question the preachers of the Religious Right.
In the mid 1970s, the Baptist Church began drifting away from God’s love, as expressed by Jesus Christ, to a roomful of civil baggage, which one had to believe in order to be considered a good Christian. While such beliefs, if personally held by the conviction of the mind or soul, are respectable, they are false and contemptuous if forced for social conformity. This baggage includes, but is by no means limited to:

·      Anti-Abortion/Pro-Life
·      Inerrancy of scripture
·      Personal wealth as a sign of righteousness
·      The supremacy of the GOP as the party of God
·      The United States as the expression of God’s chosen people
·      The hype of the Second Coming of Jesus
·      The abolition of the themes of social equity in scripture
·      Winner-take-all competition
·      Cut-throat capitalism
·      Individualism over and above social responsibility
·      The intrusion into individual’s private life
·      The absolute disregard for the suffering inflicted upon others by the corrupt application of any or all of the stances listed above.

Of all the crimes committed against the people of the United States today, the last point, a travesty of any of the teachings of Jesus Christ, is the most exasperating. This is what Jesus taught:

When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory: And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats: And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left. Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me. Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink? When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee? Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee? And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not. Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee? Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me. And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.[1]

It is not exactly the hell fire and brimstone of the Southern Baptist. It is not about sex, abortion, submission, or social placement. It is about what you do and do not do for others!

[1] Matthew 25:31-46 KJV

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