Robin Hood

As I was trying to sleep a few nights ago, I began thinking about Robin Hood[1]. Not the Robin Hood tax, but the man, the myth, the legend. The era told within that myth is not unlike our era. The rich not only living high while the surfs and peasants suffer, but the lowest classes in England were forced to pay the ransom of the king in a foreign war. This being through excessive taxation on those could afford it the least. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? That of course brought me to the response of Robin and his men (as portrayed by popular mythology).

Robin and his group of freedom fighters did not encamp in the constables’ back yard. He did not subject his troops to the direct assault by the Sheriff of Nottingham. They created their encampment and community of out-laws deep in Sherwood Forest where the community could find safety.

All of this brought me to thinking about the encampments of Occupy around the USA. The goal of the occupy camps was to make a presence known that could not be ignored. It was to get the message across that there are many more people across the land who does not share the gold in this gilded age. While heaped with scorn, and abuses and violation by the various operatives of the executive branch of the government, they attempted to build a cohesive community of activist. Therein is the difference.

Robin of myth was trying to protect the unprotected from the wrath and torture of the authorities. Occupy was trying to hold a beachhead from which they could launch non-violent protest. It would be nice to think that the goal of Occupy Wall Street was to protect vulnerable people, and build up at risk communities, but it wasn’t. The goal of Occupy Wall Street was to point out the destructive effect of the Oligarchy running the USA.

We’re just going to have to look elsewhere for the Robin Hood to build a community where people can be safe from the ravages of the Oligarchy’s Executive Enforcement Agencies. Perhaps we need to look within ourselves.      


[1] The Robin Hood Tax is “a small tax on Wall Street that could transform Main Street.” (see for details).

Will Toby Keith Sing About This?

There was a shooting in Colorado this week. Seventy one people shot. Twelve of them killed. One of the twelve was a sailor. Another was a sports writer. And still another was a child. All I can do is helplessly offer my heartfelt condolences to the people who were shot, and those who survive.

These events lead to a storm of arguments about gun control. This put me into the awkward position of defending my friend in his gun control stance.

When it comes to that debate, I am kind of in the middle. I’ve owned rifles and hand guns. I have been certified in Illinois (1980s), and Texas (2007 to 2009) to openly carry a side-arm while working. I still have a double barreled, break action, 45 Colt Long, .410, Cobray derringer. It is too much of a hassle to own guns in Illinois, so it is safely tucked away in protected location in Texas. The rest of my modest (by Texas standards) collection was sold to pay rent, buy gas, and food, between 2009 and 2011. 

One argument which rose out of the maelstrom of on-line gun debate is the idea that you need weapons to protect yourself from government oppression. That is an NRA argument. That is a Constitutionalist argument. And it is a nonsensical argument. Many of the same people who make this argument would call the Taliban in Afghanistan terrorist for resisting our forces who invaded their country. Whatever you wish to call them, they are fighting our government forces in a politically charged environment, and losing. The idea that an armed insurrection within the United States would result in a different outcome is preposterous at best.

Our government, any government, is too willing, and capable of using unreasoning force to quell an uprising. All one has to do is look at what has happened around the US in response to the Occupy Movement. Even where there is no threat of violence the government concocts one, and moves in to suppress the mass, peaceful movement. The idea that you, or I, are going to stem that with a pretty little Glock 26, or a massive .50 Bull Pup, is just the rational side of silly. 

The only thing that you, or I, can do to stop an oppressive government is to not cooperate with their violent, tyrannical agenda. 

And just maybe we can stop killing each other in the process.    

Occupy Independence

This past Wednesday, July 4, 2012, the United States celebrated its "birthday." This year is different however. A few brave individualist came together to celebrate a new revolutionary spirit across the USA.

These videos, from Occupy Chicago's gathering in Lincoln Park, tells the tale of the new struggle facing freedom's proponents, and patriots, in the USA today.

The National Gathering

Chicago, IL, May 20, 2012, #NoNATO Rally
It is Sunday. It is time to post another update on what I see (or am not seeing) out of Occupy. As reported last week Occupy is not dying. As I write this, there is a national gathering in Philadelphia to discuss common issues. We are still waiting on pictures, but it would seems it has met with the same Police resistance which we have seen in New York, Oakland, San Francisco, Dallas, Chicago, and many other cities.

Clearing the street, Chicago, IL, May 20,2012, NATO Rally
At this point I’ve no solid reports on how many have shown up in Philadelphia. One thing which has been reported is that there are representatives from all over the USA gathering there. Some are calling it a historic gathering. As usual, I am watching this from my Twitter® Cockpit. The #NatGat tag is as thick with trolls as there were flies at the Continental Congress in 1776. 

It is considered crass to hunt trolls any more, but one can chase ‘em down for sport. All in all, save for the occasional troll hunt (#OpTrollBait), twitter is pretty quiet (in comparison to many #OWS Direct Action operations); most of the action is happening in teach-ins and working groups with little hitting the net except when needed. There is one story that keeps popping up: Philadelphia’s mayor has instructed the Fire Department to cut off the National Gathering’s water supply. Have to hand it to Occupy. Collectively we have proved that the elected officials of every major city, no matter what race, are card carrying members of the 1% club.

Chicago, IL, Michigan and Cermac, May 20, 2012, NATO Rally

My guess is that the numbers at the National Gathering will grow between now and Independence Day, Wednesday, July 4, 2012. All we can do is hope something good comes out of this national gathering in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Breaking News:

Last night about 9:00 PM CDST 37 Activist along with live streamers, were kettled, and arrested for blocking a highway in Philadelphia. Below are the official contacts for the city of Philadelphia, PA. 

(From: )

Not at Occupy National Gathering ( but still want to help beaten, kettled, jailed occupy comrades? here's how:

Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter:

Tweet @PhiladelphiaGov @Michael_Nutter

Call 215-686-2181


Philadelphia Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey

Tweet @PhillyPolice


Call 215.686.3280 and 215-686-3367


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