A Great Victory over the G8

Did Occupy Chicago come into the equation to move the G8 to Camp David? According to CBS Chicago[1], that is a question that was dodged by the President of the United States. Obama point out that NATO is still on it way. According to reports on WGN this morning, however, unnamed sources in Chicago’s City Hall reported that security was indeed a concern. Essentially the President did not want the world’s business leaders to meet and greet the unwashed masses that were planning on visiting Chicago for just that reason. It comes down to the representative of the 1% were unwilling to come to terms with the 99%. At best, maybe, some good will comes out of the move. It was a conference like the one planned at Camp David which gave us Bretton Woods agreement[2], and 27 years of financial stability after World War II.

While the well healed diplomats are heading to seclusion and peaceful isolation, NATO is still on it way. The likelihood of NATION moving to a new venue seems somewhat unthinkable. The financial diplomats can move out without losing face. The same cannot be said about the western’s worlds generals cannot turn tail, and run from the scruffy riff raff (like me) on the streets of Chicago. It would be ridiculous for NATO to hide. They are the collective representatives of the west War Machine. They are not going to let everyday citizens chase them out of the third largest city in the United States. In a sense, NATO is going to double, dog dare Occupy Chicago to do just that. A double dog dare at this point alone is a breach of street etiquette. 

NATO will be here in Chicago. Occupy Chicago will be here. The only question is: who else will be here from May 1, 2012 to May 21, 2012[3]

Side Note

If you are catching a tone of sarcasm in this report, it is not your imagination.  With the degrading of our civil rights, our industry, our education, and the continued gutting four years after it begun, it is hard to take our leaders seriously. Some say the inmates have taken over the asylum. I am beginning to think that gangbangers have taken over. The decent people are the ones screaming on the street.  

[1] G8 Move To Camp David Was In The Works For Weeks. (2012, March 6). In CBS Chicago. Retrieved March 6, 2012, from http://chicago.cbslocal.com/2012/03/06/g8-move-to-camp-david-was-in-the-works-for-weeks/
[2] Bretton Woods system. (2012, March 1). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 02:16, March 7, 2012, from http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Bretton_Woods_system&oldid=479652198
[3] Webber, T. (2012, March 6). G8 Summit Moved From Chicago: Protesters Say They Will Still Come For NATO . In Huff Post Chicago. Retrieved March 6, 2012, from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/03/06/g8-summit-moved-from-chic_n_1323545.html?ref=chicago


  1. I'm gathering a delegation from New England together. I wouldn't miss this for the world!


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