Philippines Closer to War!

Over the past two months, we have come to the conclusion that China is deliberately creating a tense situation to provide a pretext for military action against a perceived weaker neighboring nation. We have provided supporting background data for this assessment, which remains unchanged and has actually worsened. History and maritime laws suggest that appeasing China will only embolden them further. Given the proximity of the Philippines, Japan, and Australia, it is imperative that the Philippines, with support from Japan and Australia, deploy two Navy Cruisers to the Scarborough Shoal and Second Thomas Shoal to confront China. The Philippines must demand that China vacate Filipino waters or face the appropriate legal consequences. It is high time to push back against Chinese aggression decisively and firmly.

Supporting Documents are as follows: 


Crux: 28 May 2024:  #southchinasea #GetCloserToTheNews #worldnews

“The Philippines has protested China's imposition of a unilateral four-month-long fishing ban in the South China Sea. The Philippines foreign ministry called on Beijing to ‘cease and desist’ from ‘illegal actions’ that violate Manila’s sovereignty and sovereign rights. China imposes an annual fishing ban on South China Sea waters and the Philippines routinely opposes it. The ministry also said the annual imposition of a fishing ban,which is expected to last until September, raises tensions in the South China Sea. Last week, Philippine Defense Secretary Gilberto Teodoro said China's rules about how its Coast Guard can operate in South China were a ‘provocation.’ Watch the video to find out more.” #philippineschina #southchinasea #worldnews: 

Life Goes on Unabated for Local Fisherfolk in West Philippine Sea

28 May 2024: Leonardo Cuaresma, president of the Zambales-based New Masinloc Fishermen Association, on Monday said they were, “unaware that the ban had already begun.” 

The aforementioned article also goes onto reiterate, “Beijing’s fishing moratorium in the South China Sea encroaches most of the West Philippine Sea in outright disregard of Manila’s sovereign rights inside its own exclusive economic zone (EEZ) where it is allowed to explore and manage all the resources as provided by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.” 

The World Tonight, ANC, 28 May 2024: The Philippine Navy vows to protect Filipino fishermen who will defy Beijing’s fishing ban in the South China Sea. A Filipino analyst claims China’s new maritime restrictions are meant to sow conflict.” This is confirmation that other analysts are reaching the same conclusions as we are. For more information see: 

Reuters MANILA: 29 May 2024: Commenting while on a state visit to Brunei, Philippines President Ferdinand Marcos Jr said, "The new [Chinese Policy of Detention without trial] of “...our own citizens, that is different. That is an escalation of the situation." Marcos Jr went onto day  “The Philippines ‘will use any point of contact with China to stop aggressive actions’ and allow Filipino fishermen to fish in the South China Sea….”  Additional information is located at: 

29 May 2024 Philippine Navy is ready to address Chinese Coast Guard: Navy: Contingency plans in place if tension ups over China fishing ban.

"...[Chinese Warfare] warfare is more narrative, it's more of deception, it's part of the lawfare of China," WPS Commodore Roy Vincent Trinidad said in a media briefing. 

He further assured all Filipino fishermen, especially those plying Bajo de Masinloc, that the PN [Philippine Navy] and the [Armed Forces of Philippine] AFP support all their lawful actions for their livelihood.

"I would like to say that the PN and the AFP is fully supportive of your actions, of your livelihood which has been a traditional source of income, wag kayong matakot, magpatuloy lamang kayo at (don't be afraid, just continue with business), the AFP and the entire government is behind you," Trinidad assured the fisherfolk.

Read for further details. 


As we posted on X on 30 May 2024

⚠️ WARNING: The West Philippine Sea situation is escalating. Filipinos united against China's aggression. Will the Navy act to reclaim their waters?

If China stays on this course of action, there will be a war in the Indo-Pacific Ocean. There is no other conclusion which can be drawn at this time.


WPS SITREP Newsletter Update - May 2024
Greetings, WPS SITREP followers! We're excited to bring you a fresh update on a recent development that has sparked our imagination and set us on a new course of action.

In late March of 2024, just as we were reviving this newsletter after a decade-long hiatus, we stumbled upon a remarkable video on YouTube that showcased a Filipino fisherman outmaneuvering a Chinese Coast Guard Cutter in an outrigger canoe. The agility and prowess displayed by this unknown fisherman left us in awe, highlighting the power of creativity and resourcefulness in the face of adversity.

Inspired by this daring feat, we found the seed of an idea taking root - the Stealth Runner. Drawing upon a rich history of civilian craft being used to challenge and disrupt the status quo, from Blockade Runners to buccaneers and privateers, we envision the Stealth Runner as a modern embodiment of this legacy. It stands as a symbol of resilience and defiance, echoing the spirit of John Paul Jones and his famous declaration, "I've not yet begun to fight."

On the 23rd of May 2024, we officially introduced the Stealth Runner Project, marking the beginning of our journey to bring this concept to life. While progress is currently at a standstill as we explore financing options and lay the groundwork for designing and constructing the first craft, rest assured that we are committed to realizing this vision.

We pledge to keep you updated every step of the way, providing you with timely SITREPs as we move forward with the Stealth Runner Project. Your support and enthusiasm drive us onward, and we look forward to sharing more exciting developments with you in the near future.

Stay tuned for further updates, and thank you for being a part of this extraordinary journey with us.

Warm regards,
Cliff Potts 
WPS SITREP Editorial Team

Do What You Love. Love What You Do. 
