For Immediate Release


Cliff Potts Launches Initiative to Enhance Freedom of Navigation Security and Open Source Intelligence Gathering in the Indo-Pacific Region

Chicago, IL – May 19, 2024 – Cliff Potts, a distinguished professional with a diverse background in technical support, cinematography, engineering, and intelligence analysis, has announced the commencement of a groundbreaking initiative aimed at bolstering Freedom of Navigation Security and Open Source Intelligence Gathering in the West Philippine Sea, the South China Sea, and the broader Indo-Pacific region.

Mr. Potts, renowned as a first Occupier of Occupy Chicago and as the Second Unit Cinematographer on the acclaimed film "99% The Occupy Wall Street Collaborative Film," brings a wealth of expertise and experience to this vital undertaking. Certified as a Technical Support Professional, Marine Engineer, Forensic Profiler, Business Critical Thinker, and Level 1 Intelligence Analyst, his multidisciplinary approach sets the stage for a comprehensive and effective strategy.

The project, which commenced on March 26, 2024, marks the beginning of an ongoing commitment to enhancing security and intelligence capabilities in the region. Mr. Potts envisions a proactive and collaborative effort to address challenges related to maritime security and information gathering, with a particular focus on promoting stability and transparency in these critical waters.

Clifford Potts holds a Bachelor's of Science degree from DeVry Institute of Technology in Los Angeles, where he graduated with honors. Additionally, he possesses a Doctorate in Metaphysics and is currently pursuing further academic pursuits, including a Master of Arts in Criminal Justice with a specialization in Cyber Crimes, as well as a Certification in Cybersecurity.

Residing in Baybay City, Leyte, Philippines, Mr. Potts actively monitors events from this strategic location, where he lives with his Filipino wife and step-son. This proximity provides him with a unique perspective and firsthand understanding of the regional dynamics affecting the West Philippine Sea, the South China Sea, and the broader Indo-Pacific region.

As Mr. Potts spearheads this initiative, he invites stakeholders, partners, and experts to join forces in advancing the cause of Freedom of Navigation Security and Open Source Intelligence Gathering in the Indo-Pacific. Together, they aim to foster a safer, more secure, and more transparent maritime environment for the benefit of all.

For media inquiries or further information, please contact:

Cliff Potts 
Initiative Founder and Lead Coordinator, Indo-Pacific Security Enhancement Project
Phone: 319-450-6704

