A Proposal for The Stealth Runner

Stealth Runner Proposal 

Situational Report

In the West Philippine Sea, there are ongoing territorial disputes and tensions between several countries in the region. These disputes primarily involve concerns over maritime boundaries, resource exploitation, and strategic interests. The area is of significant geopolitical importance due to its rich fishing grounds, potential oil and gas reserves, and its role as a major shipping route.

Various nations, including the Philippines, China, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Taiwan, have overlapping territorial claims in the region. These disputes have led to incidents such as the construction of artificial islands, military patrols, and confrontations between vessels. The situation in the West Philippine Sea is complex and sensitive, and efforts to address these issues through diplomacy and international law have been ongoing.

It is important for all parties involved to engage in peaceful dialogue, adhere to international agreements, and work towards finding mutually acceptable solutions to these disputes. Cooperation, respect for sovereignty, and adherence to established norms of behavior in the region are essential for maintaining stability and promoting peaceful coexistence among neighboring countries in the West Philippine Sea.

Filipino Fisherfolk
The ongoing territorial disputes and tensions in the West Philippine Sea have significant impacts on Filipino Fisherfolk who rely on these waters for their livelihood. The presence of foreign vessels, restrictions on fishing activities, and the risk of encountering maritime incidents have all contributed to the challenges faced by Filipino Fisherfolk in the region.

The territorial disputes have led to increased competition over fishing grounds, resulting in conflicts and potential threats to the safety and security of Filipino Fisherfolk. Incidents such as harassment, intimidation, and the seizure of fishing vessels have been reported, further exacerbating the difficulties faced by those who depend on the sea for their income.

The uncertainty and instability in the West Philippine Sea have also affected the economic well-being of Filipino Fisherfolk, as they struggle to access traditional fishing grounds and resources. This situation not only threatens the livelihoods of Fisherfolk and their families but also has broader implications for food security and economic development in coastal communities.

Efforts to address the disputes in a peaceful and diplomatic manner, while ensuring the rights and interests of Filipino Fisherfolk are protected, are crucial for promoting stability and security in the region. It is important for all parties involved to consider the impact of their actions on the lives and livelihoods of those who depend on the sea for their survival, and to work towards sustainable solutions that prioritize the well-being of Filipino Fisherfolk and other vulnerable communities in the West Philippine Sea.


One potential solution to address the harassment of Filipino fishing boats in the West Philippine Sea is the creation of Stealth Runners as patrol boats. These Stealth Runners could serve as a non-violent intervention mechanism to protect Filipino Fisherfolk and their vessels from harassment by illegal entities in the region.

Stealth Runners could be specially designed and equipped patrol boats that are fast, agile, and capable of quickly responding to incidents of harassment. These patrol boats could be manned by trained personnel who are tasked with monitoring and safeguarding the activities of Filipino fishing boats in the West Philippine Sea.

In the event of harassment or intimidation by illegal entities, the Stealth Runners could intervene to de-escalate the situation through non-violent means, such as communications, warnings, and positioning themselves between the Filipino fishing boats and the harassing vessels. By providing a visible and responsive presence in the area, the Stealth Runners could help deter illegal activities and ensure the safety and security of Filipino Fisherfolk.

In addition to their role in preventing harassment, the Stealth Runners could also serve as a means of gathering evidence of illegal activities and reporting them to relevant authorities for further action. By enhancing the monitoring and surveillance capabilities in the region, these patrol boats could contribute to efforts to uphold maritime laws and regulations in the West Philippine Sea.

Overall, the introduction of Stealth Runners as patrol boats could be a proactive and constructive measure by the Fisherfolk to protect Filipino Fisherfolk, and promote stability in the region, while emphasizing the importance of traditional peaceful and non-violent approaches to addressing maritime disputes.


A Stealth Runner is a wooden ocean-going boat designed with a low radar profile and crewed by 2 to 5 individuals. This specialized vessel is specifically crafted for unarmed patrols and non-violent interdiction missions aimed at drawing the attention of illegal ships in the West Philippine Sea. The primary objective of a Stealth Runner is to provide a discreet and stealthy presence in the region, allowing local Fisherfolk to pursue their economic activities without being harassed by intrusive or illegal foreign vessels.

The Stealth Runner's design prioritizes stealth capabilities to minimize its radar signature and enhance its ability to operate covertly in sensitive maritime areas. By leveraging its low radar profile, the Stealth Runner can conduct patrols and interdiction activities without escalating tensions or resorting to armed confrontation. Instead, it serves as a proactive deterrent against illegal activities, signaling to unauthorized vessels that their actions are being monitored and potentially reported. The best visualization of a Stealth Runner is a wood vessel which is essentially a smaller version of the Patrol Torpedo Boats of World War 2. The primary modification from the current outriggers used by the Filipino Fisherfolk is that the Stealth Runner is powered by a modified V8 engine. 

Through the strategic deployment of Stealth Runners in the West Philippine Sea, the aim is to safeguard the economic interests of local Fisherfolk, protect the marine environment, and uphold maritime security in the region. By utilizing non-violent means of intervention and maintaining a low-key presence, Stealth Runners contribute to maintaining peace and stability in the area while enabling legitimate maritime activities to thrive without interference from unauthorized parties.

Proposal for Stealth Runner Boat Construction

In response to the pressing need for vessels that can operate with stealth and precision in the West Philippine Sea, we propose the construction of specialized Stealth Runner boats by skilled Fisherfolk. The design for these boats will be purchased from Glen L, a renowned firm with expertise in boat designs, and customized to meet the specific requirements for non-violent interdiction missions and unarmed patrols in the region. The budget for this project, currently estimated at $35,000 USD (approximately 2,026,049 PHP), will be secured through donations.

Project Overview:
The project aims to purchase boat designs from Glen L and customize them to create Stealth Runner boats that are optimized for low radar profile operations with a crew size of 2 to 5 individuals. These vessels will be designed to conduct non-violent interdiction missions and unarmed patrols in the West Philippine Sea, drawing attention to illegal ships while ensuring the safety and economic activities of local Fisherfolk. All materials used in the construction will be sourced locally, supporting the Philippine economy and requiring minimal permits.

1. To purchase boat designs from Glen L and customize them to create specialized Stealth Runner boats for non-violent interdiction missions and unarmed patrols in the West Philippine Sea.
2. To construct durable and reliable vessels that can operate with a low radar profile, enabling stealthy and precise operations to draw attention to illegal ships in the region.
3. To share with Fisherfolk the customization, construction, and operation of the Stealth Runner boats for effective and non-violent interdiction activities.

Key Components:
1. Boat Design: The designs will be purchased from Glen L and tailored to suit the needs of non-violent interdiction missions and unarmed patrols in the West Philippine Sea.
2. Customization: Skilled Carpenters will customize the boats to enhance their stealth capabilities and optimize their radar profiles for covert operations in the region.
3. Materials: All materials used in the construction will be sourced locally, supporting the Philippine economy and promoting sustainability in the marine industry.
4. Training: Fisherfolk involved in the project will receive training in customizing, constructing, and operating the Stealth Runner boats to ensure effective and non-violent interdiction activities.

The projected budget for this project is $35,000 USD (approximately 2,026,049 PHP). This budget will cover the purchase of boat designs, materials, labor costs, training expenses, and any unforeseen contingencies during the construction process.

The construction of the Stealth Runner boats is estimated to take approximately 6-8 months from project initiation. This timeline includes customization, training, and testing to ensure the vessels meet the required specifications for non-violent interdiction missions and unarmed patrols.

The construction of specialized Stealth Runner boats in the Philippines will provide a valuable asset for conducting stealthy and precise operations in the West Philippine Sea. By utilizing local materials and engaging skilled Fisherfolk in the customization and operation of the vessels, this project will contribute to enhancing maritime security, protecting local economic activities, and deterring illegal maritime actions in the region. We seek your support and donations to bring this project to fruition and ensure the successful construction of the Stealth Runner boats for non-violent interdiction missions and unarmed patrols in the West Philippine Sea.

At the end of the day it is about the Fisherfolk making a living. And that is not happening. 
