Tyranny’s Echo

One of the internet’s many hit-and-run-artists decided to ask a question on one of my web logs a few months ago. The question was “Why do you think you have all the answers?”
The question is nonsense, plain and simple. The internet is filled with people who use the anonymity of the web to be excessively rude and argumentative. If the person had bothered to read anything I had posted, she would have figured out that I don’t think I have all the answers. I am, like many, groping in the descending darkness, trying to define a line of tactical response to the events of our day. I am not trying to exalt or glorify myself as being some kind of cosmically defined leader. I am but one soul who, with the aid of history, sees a nation descending into troubled times. What history, you may ask? Read the words of Adolph Hitler below:[1]

The national government will maintain and defend the foundations on which the power of our nation rests. It will offer strong protection to Christianity as the very basis of our collective morality.

Today Christians stand at the head of our country. We want to fill our culture again with the Christian spirit. We want to burn out all the recent immoral developments in literature, in the theatre, and in the press -- in short, we want to burn out the poison of immorality which has entered into our whole life and culture as a result of LIBERAL excess during the past years.[2]

I believe today that I am acting in the sense of the Almighty Creator... I am fighting for the Lord's Work.[3]

The [National Government] regards Christianity as the foundation of our national morality, and the family as the basis of national life.[4]


Secular schools can never be tolerated because such a school has no religious instruction and a general moral instruction without a religious foundation is built on air; consequently, all character training and religion must be derived from faith.... We need believing people.[5]

I hope to live to see the day when, as in the early days of our country, we won't give any public schools. The churches will have taken over again and Christians will be running them. What a happy day that will be![6]

The first quote above is from Adolph Hitler; the second quote is from Jerry Falwell. Not only do Falwell’s words almost exactly match what Hitler said in 1933, but also his beliefs are the foundation of a theocratic state. Manifest Destiny came out of such theocratic institutions. Ask Native Americans how they feel about such teachings. There is more evidence of the disdain with which the neo-conservative community holds the rule of law in the United States.

The Supreme Court of the Unites States of America is an institution damned by God Almighty.[7]

That statement matches much of the rhetoric in the pre-Civil War days of the late 1850s.

I believe this notion of the separation of Church and State was the figment of some infidel's imagination.[8]

It is interesting to note the past tense used in the statement and the date; the statement was made well over 20 years ago.
The majority of our leaders are pro-abortion. Therefore, you don't say, "I'm an advocate against abortion." No, you say:

I'm interested in housing, or development, or sanitation. And you keep your personal views to yourself until the Christian community is ready to rise up, and then, Wow! They're going to be devastated![9]

I want to be invisible. I do guerrilla warfare. I paint my face and travel at night. You don't know it's over until you're in a body bag.[10]

In January of 1994, Vice-President Dan Quayle spoke at a training conference of religious-right activists in Fort Lauderdale. The conference’s theme was Reclaiming America, and before the event began Quayle stood at attention as the crowd of more than two thousand rose, faced the flag with a cross on it, and with hands on hearts, recited in unison, "I pledge allegiance to the Christian flag, and to our savior, crucified, risen, and coming again, with life and liberty for all who believe.”[11]

The idea that religion and politics don't mix was invented by the Devil to keep Christians from running their own country.[12]

When I said during my presidential bid that I would only bring Christians and Jews into the government, I hit a firestorm. ‘What do you mean?’ the media challenged me. ‘You're not going to bring atheists into the government? How dare you maintain that those who believe in the Judeo-Christian values are better qualified to govern America than Hindus and Muslims?' My simple answer is, `Yes, they are.[13]

The Spanish Inquisition, first imposed in Spain in 1478 and expanded by Holy Roman Emperor Charles V to the Netherlands in 1521, promoted the questioning and burning of "heretics" under government auspices. Speaking as a heretic (a Gnostic), I would not take kindly to be questioned or burned due to my particular belief system.
With the apathy that exists today, a small, well-organized minority can influence the selection of candidates to an astonishing degree.[14]

This Republican Party of Lincoln has become a party of theocracy.[15]

It is accepted that we do ignore the lessons of History. George Santayana said, “Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”
George Wilhelm Hegel said, “What experience and history teach is this - that people and governments never have learned anything from history, or acted on principles.”
George Bernard Shaw believed, “We learn from history that we learn nothing from history.”
All of this points to a cataclysmic confrontation with destiny that has not been seen since World War II.
Do I have any answers, let alone all the answers? I have one answer. We do not have to repeat past mistakes; if we choose to talk, listen, and learn from one another and from our collective past we can avert the judgment of history. Barring that, we will once again go down the road of chaos and horror. At some point in the future, the sun of reason, intelligence, and wisdom will break through the clouds of darkness, fear, hate, cynicism, and judgment.
It is up to you to define the answers of our collective future. Even our friend, who did not take the time to find out the answer to her question, has the future in her hands…if she has the intelligence to manifest it in wisdom for the good of all.

[1] I can no longer recall the source of all the quotes from Hitler. In due diligence, I have searched for the source of the quotes to no avail.
[2] Adolph Hitler; Taken from The Speeches of Adolph Hitler, 1922-1939, Vol. 1, Michael Hakeem, Ph.D. (London, Oxford University Press, 1942), pp. 871-872. The Book Your Church Doesn’t …, Leedom, p.265
[3] Adolph Hitler in 1938, The Book Your Church Doesn’t …, Leedom, p. 292
[4] Hitler
[5] Adolf Hitler, April 26, 1933
[6] Rev. Jerry Falwell, 1979
[7] Rev. Jimmy Swaggart, 1986
[8] Rev. W.A. Criswell, Dallas, TX, 1984

[9] Antonio Rivera, Christian Coalition, NYC, 1992
[10] Ralph Reed, Christian Coalition, 1991
[11] Sidney Blumenthal, New Yorker, July 18, 1994
[12] Rev. Jerry Falwell
[13] Pat Robertson, The New World Order, page 218
[14] Pat Robertson, The Millennium, 1990
[15] U.S. Representative Christopher Shays, R-CT. I would suggest that you visit the site Theocracy Watch
(http://www.theocracywatch.org/) for more information on the threat posed by the Neo-Conservative Right

Kevin Phillips in his recently published American Theocracy, states, “We can begin by describing the role of religion in American Politics with two words: Widely underestimated.” Religion and politics are incredibly intertwined in the U.S., as they were in Europe before the foundation of the U.S.; and, that influence has been overlooked by the Establishment. Yet, George Gallop, the famous pollster, said, “religious affiliation remains one of the most accurate and least-appreciated political indicators available.” (Potts, Clifford A. Radicals, Religion, and Revelation. 1st ed. Dallas: WordTechs Press, 2008. 5-6. CD-ROM).
