She is Anonymous.

She is anonymous.
Bad Black Bandanna over face.
Part of a throng.
One of many,
But on her own.

She has a classic, striking splendor,
Essentially Eastern European engender,
Short dark hair, a chic, sassy dissenter,
Beautiful, dark eyes, still a nameless venter.
One of many,
But on her own.

She was there to offer her voice,
She was a singer in an international chorus,
Chanting, We are the people… The People United…
Until she was hoarse.
One of many,
But one her own.

Day on day she stood the line,
Where La Salle meets Jackson, she held her sign.
People over profits… We got sold out…
She held her place with a message defined.
One of many,
But on her own.

Capital gains, corrupt media praise,
Her rage blazed in unbroken gaze.
Banks got bailed out… The Occupation is not…
She held ground as the moguls hazed.
One of many,
But on her own.

Over time, like perfect, sweet cream,
She rose to the top of the cycling stream.
In the General Assembly she lent her theme,
Clearly speaking of the collective’s dream.
One of many,
But on her own.

New folks came, and old ones left,
Finding a match seemed part of the quest.
Looking to end the wanton fiscal mess,
She would tell the tale of class and excess. 
One of many,
But on her own.

In sun, and rain, and wind and cold,
She held to her protest of the worship of gold.
Pressing forward for her civilized goal,
She protested the addictive misuse of oil and coal.
One of many,
But on her own.

When the Police did raid the Bridgeport home,
She made sure they were remembered and not alone.
Even opposing Cook’s sadistic guards,
She passed along tributes and cards.
She was one of many,
But on her own.

To every court date she did come,
Solidarity, Support, she was not dumb.
From brutal authority, she would not run,
From freedom’s goals she did not shun.
She was one of many,
But on her own.

Then the day to face NATO’s force,
She took the street as was her course.
Facing down the extoled police,
She proved they were lower than savage beast.
One among tens of thousands,
But on her own.

As others activist completely went away,
The union offered to pay her way.
Now across the nation she fights,
From hateful words she will not take flight.
One of many,
But on her own.

She takes her place as one of many,
For the noble cause she works with plenty.
He beautiful, giving soul ready,
Carrying forth, worker’s needs, onward steady.
One of many,

And still proudly on her own. 


  1. inspirational blog post. thanks for the share.


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