Community in Peril

Bowman Statue, Congress Square Park, Michigan and Congress, Chicago, Il 

It is late on a Sunday for me to write. The sun is well on the decline of its arc. The allergy attack from yesterday’s early lunch turned out to the sudden onset of a cold. Most of the day has been spent asleep. Last night was a late night of magick, and enlightenment.

For some time I’ve been skeptical about Occupy Chicago’s community. That skepticism died, was embalmed, and buried last night. It was a simple house warming party for members of Occupy Chicago. It was a private affair, so it is best left that way. However, the four hours spent with people who are associated with Occupy Chicago convinced me that they have a community, and an extended family. In spite of constant police harassment in the street, on the sidewalks, in the park, they have built their community and extended family. 

This family, however, is now at risk. Having been swept of the street by illegal enforcement of Chicago’s Curfew Laws, the Obama administration wants to lock them up indefinitely. I don’t think that is an exaggeration, or hysterical hyperbole. NDAA 2012 is a fact. 

If the NATO 5 are convicted for terrorist threats against police, then the young men and women of Occupy Chicago (and Occupy anywhere) are subject to Section 1021 of NDAA 2012. And somehow, we are supposed to march to the polls on November 6, 2012. And vote for what? The GOP gave us the War on Terror, the Department of Homeland Security, and TSA. The Democrats up the ante for Occupy by handing us over to the U.S. Army. It is real, folks. 

I can't tell you not to vote. I will, however, say there is not much of a difference between the two presidential candidates. However, maybe there is a difference you can make in the local offices.
