On The Eve of History

Bumper Stickers: In the end, we came together to protest NATO.
The last time I wrote was two weeks ago. Since then someone asked me to expound on my observations of the failings of Occupy. That is a discussion which is best kept for later. 

As of right now, we’ve protesters massing in Tampa as the Republicans invade the impoverished city to proclaim liberty and justice for the few in the top socioeconomic bracket. As if to punctuate the political drama in the style of a Made-For-TV-Mini-Series hurricane Isaac is shot-gunning for Pinellas County just west of Tampa. On the horizon is a new @Revs4Romney posting http://revs4romney.org/ with the tag line, “It has to get worse before it gets better.” All of this is occurring in the wake of the passing of a great cold-warrior, Neil Armstrong (1930-2012). 

There is time to discuss the better world that is possible. We’ll have plenty of time to discuss how Saxon blood will boil if the promises of a better world are not kept. There is ample opportunity to talk about the transference of angst against Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Todd Akin to the average blue color working man. The day to chat about hate filled hounding by hipsters with Napoleon Complexes and Daddy issues is still to come. The time to dialog about the validity of the mythical penis envy and the emotional reaction that draws us all away from the real issues facing the nation is not too far off. Right now Anarchist and Protesters are amassing under the threat of Isaac and the Tampa Police to oppose the Crony Capitalist policies which have brought us to this low point in history. That is all that matters today. 

Keep an eye on the hash tags #RNC #owsRNC and #miccheck2012 this week.
