Home of the Brave

Activist Comfort Each Other at Michigan and Cermak
Activists Comfort Each Other at Michigan and Cermak
By now you have been saturated by the media’s coverage of the NATO protest from May 18, 2012 to May 21, 2012. Much of the Corporate Media’s Coverage is slanted in support of the War Machine, and Chicago’s establishment. Much of it is propaganda. It is not news. 

They are telling what they want you to know, and what you should think about it. Anyone, and anything, that does not give weight to their twisted view is quashed quickly. They do not want you to know. They do not want you to think. And, By the Will of the Corporate Gods, you sure had better not question their denunciation. However....

Since when is it such a brave deed for 13,000 (plus) armored, armed, trained Paramilitary Police Officers to oppose 3,000 peaceful, t-shirt, tank top clad sign carrying citizens of the United States? 

The brave ones were not the ones supporting the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The brave one is the unarmed activist who stood up against war, and squandering the nation's wealth. There were well over 3,000 of them. Closer to 10,000 to 12,000 brave individuals by some sources.

Here are two articles, and the video I shot from 8:00AM to 6:00PM on Sunday, May 20, 2012.
Morning at LaSalle and Jackson


Afternoon Rally

The Police Move In

I use to ask why the Mayor of Chicago fears the people so much. Anymore, I don't care. "Why" no longer matters. As Mark Twain said, "A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes."

Support is Needed

Chicago Bail Fund

This fund will assist those arrested in Chicago while protesting the war-machine of NATO, economic injustice, and related issues. It has been set up by Occupy Chicago, who will administer the funds with the help of its fiscal sponsors, the Crossroads Fund and 8th Day Center for Justice. All donations are tax-deductible.

To make a donation by check, make checks payable to "8th Day Center / Chicago Bail Fund", and mail (or drop off) to:
8th Day Center for Justice
205 W Monroe St # 500
Chicago, IL 60606
