Make Their War Pay Off

Technological Stratification

I did hear from the producers of 99% (The Occupy Wall Street Collaborative Film). There is no animosity there. The incident I shared with you is only one illustration of what people take for granted along the way (and I am a very small, infinitesimal part of that major project), but it was worth illumination.

There is allot of this technological stratification going on. It is not new. A telephone poll of November 2, 1948, proclaimed that Dewey Defeated Truman. He did not. The majority of Truman's voters in 1948 did not have phones.

This recession has gutted many people in this nation. And has caused frustration for many. As a minor example, I cannot be at Occupy Chicago’s activities because of various factors I have mentioned; I can’t afford bus fare. It is frustrating. It is frustrating because I am doing everything I am supposed to do, all the right, ethical, Christian things I am to do, and I am in the hole financially the day after I get paid. This is the America of the 1%. This is the America of the CATO institute. This is the America of the Republicans. Since Obama, the era's current version of Woodrow Wilson, is the best hope we have to block the aims of the GOP, then there is a damn good chance that he will have a second term.

Written Even Before the GOP went off the Deep End Last Night

There is a pretty good chance that before we are out of this decade we will see one more war. It will not be a colonial war on some foreign soil. It will not be against the impoverished citizens of some forgotten tribe. It will not be an asymmetrical war against some form of enemy noncombatant or “unlawful combatants.” It will be a war like WWII, a full war. It will be like the Civil War with blood on the American streets. There will be American blood, foreign blood, human blood, staining the sidewalks of Chicago, Atlanta, Dallas, San Francisco, Long Beach, and hundreds of small towns along the way. It will happen because we have done this to so many smaller countries around the globe that when the power does shift we will be left standing alone on the wrong side of the history of humanity. It does not make one small speck of difference who we elect this November. This war is coming. If for no other reason it is Karma. We’ve brought it on ourselves. One can even say we have earned it.

When this happens, no matter who the US ends up calling “The Enemy,” remember that it is to the benefit of the 1%. Think not? Remember US Corporations sold strategic supplies to Nazi Germany during World War II through satellite operations in South America. Old man Bush was one of them, even as his son was in harm’s way in the Pacific Theater.

War is a money machine for the few at the cost of the general population. Need a reminder? Very few of the Confederacy soldiers owned slaves, and very few of those who stood for the Union ever saw a Black person. In the end, one out of eleven Union combatants never returned home. They were left on the battlefields of the South. The best guestimate is 612,000 dead. Why? ‘Cause of a Peculiar Institution called chattel slavery that crushed humans for the sake of the profits of a very few. Confederate States cited as much in their statements of succession.

In the end of the World War II, we did prosecute the German War criminals; we did nothing about the US traitors. The same thing occurred when the Civil War was over. There were ramifications during the Reconstruction era. That is a given. However, those who had committed treason were given a pass. They were doing their duty … and making money off the blood of others. We paid the price for their greed, and stupidity.

I’d probably do better, and be more convincing if I posted all sorts of links here. However, you can educate yourself on what happened, or you can let it be. The bottom line here is that while the buildings burn, and the smoke obscures the sun, the 1% will be wheeling and dealing to make even more off of your blood, and that of your children and grandchildren.

Of course I am not telling you anything new, but this you should consider: if we get dragged into another World War, and the enemy climbs over the hometown ridge, when you finish off the invaders, before the pen is laid on the armistice, clear out the 1% for the sake of the future generations. Send ‘em packing, penniless, destitute, and stained as the murders they are. This is no less than what God did to Cain.
