2011 in Review from The Maji

This has been an exceptional year for Protest in the U.S.A. That is one thing that cannot be dismissed. Tens of Thousands of people across around the world have taken to the street in utter dismay over the failings of Anglo-American Capitalism. Most of us are not Kettled, nor Pepper Sprayed, nor roughed up by the local authorities for voicing a descendent's opinion about the state of the nation, or the world. Many are just ignored.

The one thing become that becomes apparent is most people (left and right) only want to have their preconceived ideas reinforced. To get over the problem created by the American form of Capitalism, people are going to have to start becoming educated. That is why the protestors took to the street in 2011: to narrate the story so long ignored by the mass media. Here's to hoping that the passion continues in 2012.
