The Illusive Goal

By now this may be old news to some but ....

Last Saturday, October 15, 2011, the Occupy Chicago group, protesting for their own grievances, and supporting the Occupy Wall Street Protest, attempted to take the small area at the entrance of Chicago's Grant park called Congress Square at the corner of Congress and Michigan Avenue.

The police were there in force. When the park closed at 11:00 PM, the police told the Occupy Chicago group to disperse.

This curfew, a violation of any adult's rights in the City of Chicago, is a remnant of the Days of Rage in 1968 with the Yippies, SDS, and others took over the park during the Democratic Convention.

At approximately 1:30 AM on Sunday Morning, October 16, 2011. The police, finally reinforced, arrested 175 protestors.

This, of course, in Obama's adopted home town, and only yards from where he celebrated hope and change of his victory in November 2008. What Hope, and Change?
